Chapter 4: ᛞᚨᚤ ᛟᚠ ᛞᛖᛋᛏᛁᚾᚤ

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Snotlout's POV

I just finished my chief duties a week later and I was heading to the forge when I saw Gobber was already there. I was about to walk away when I heard Gobber called my name. Oh, Thor. "Snotlout! Come here! I wanted to talk to you!" With all of his words, I felt my spine shivering and my hands start sweating. I reached the forge and as I entered, Gobber made a serious look. "Explain," He said as he pointed at the weapons which were the ones I sharped as Hiccup did. "H-How..." I trilled, but Gobber placed his hand on my shoulder. "It's fine Lad," He said, making me confused. "Well, I saw you and Astrid the other day and I was impressed by your skills. But, tell me. Why don't you show it?" Gobber explained before asking. "I wanted to get out of the chief duties because I realized it was hard. And I felt guilty on picking on Hiccup when we're little," I said shamefully thinking about the past. "It's alright, Laddie. I must say, Hiccup would forgive you for your actions," He said. "Not yet," I warned making him confused. "He's out there somewhere. And I know it. Because he's not human," I said making him shocked but confused at the same time. "What do you mean?" Gobber asked. "You don't wanna know," I replied before leaving the forge. I quickly stopped by the docks and ask for a basket to fish for dinner. They agreed and they handed me one. I look around to make sure no one is following me to the woods.

I ventured my way to the cove and look around to make sure that Astrid was not around. Thank Valhalla, she's not here this time. I carefully sneak my way in with a basket in my hand and a piece of fish in the other. I walk slowly and carefully as I look around for Astrid's White Night Fury and make sure I don't have any weapons just in case it won't think I'm a threat. Suddenly, I heard a growl, and I was surprised to see the White Night Fury on the rock when I turn around. The dragon's eyes were slit and I nervously gave it the fish. She steps closer to smell the fish, and when she realized I'm not a threat, she instantly ate it. At first, the dragon would eat me for no reason, but as soon as it realizes I'm not dangerous, the dragon trusted me. Once the dragon's done eating, it steps closer to me. I hold my hand to reach her, but she flinched. Then I remembered Hiccup's tricks from my dreams. I looked away handing out my hand towards the dragon. I thought the dragon would eat my hand at first, but as soon as I felt scales on my palm, I looked to see the White Night Fury's snout on my hands. When the dragon stepped back, it starts to lick me and I was tickled by that. When it finished, I dropped the basket, revealing the fish on the ground before eating them properly. Properly? "Snotlout?" I jumped back when I heard a voice, and I realized it was Astrid holding something white in her arms. She looked behind me to see what I did to the White Night Fury before giving me a confusing look. "How did..." Astrid trilled off. "I kinda dreamed about Hiccup befriending the Night Fury. So, I gained this Night Fury's trust," I explained. "Uh, she's a Light Fury," Astrid corrected making me confused. "Luna is called the Light Fury. And she's a girl," She said petting the dragon already known as the Light Fury 'Luna.' "Astrid, I'm sorry I flirt with you before. Even though you're beautiful and aggressive, I realized that personality and believing are the answer to love and friendship. Like the time you were playing with Hiccup when we were little," I said hanging my head low with guilt. For a few moments, Astrid pulled me to a hug and I hugged her back. "It's fine, Snotlout. Whether you made a mistake, you can still change," Astrid said as Luna joined the hug to comfort me more.

Astrid's POV

I am very glad that Snotlout apologized to me for his guiltiness. As long as he never hurt a dragon, I would forgive him for sure. As soon as we pulled apart, I walked back to get the saddle I secretly made for Luna. It was blending in with her scales. "What's that, Astrid?" Snotlout asked. "I made a saddle for Luna," I answered and he understand. When I looked at Luna, she was frightened and ran off to prevent wearing it. I technically chased her for a few hours as Snotlout watches us on a boulder laughing at the moment. I finally managed to put the saddle on her, and I mounted her. "Take an easy, girl," I said to Luna, then we take a test drive. After a few hours, Luna and I landed back at the cove, and we see Snotlout dropping the basket of fish for Luna to eat. "How's the flight?" Snotlout asked. "That was amazing. I never even think of that I can touch the clouds," I said as we could hear Luna eating. "Well, I'm glad that you're happy now. Anyway, we should head back," He said. "I agree," I replied before turning to Luna who is still eating as Snotlout grabs the basket. "I'll see you tomorrow, Luna," I said to her and she snuggled me for responding and Snotlout and I left the cove.

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