Chapter 10: ᚠᛟᚱ ᚦᛖ ᛞᚨᚾᚲᛁᛜ ᚨᚾᛞ ᚦᛖ ᛞᚱᛖᚨᛗᛁᛜ

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Hiccup's POV

It's been five years since we've been through a lot of crazy events. We've gone on adventures, saving dragons, make new allies, and make new enemies. Back to memory lane, after the Night Furies become existed, we've become friends with the Berserkers, the Outcast, and Viggo who become the former member of the Dragon Hunters for betrayal. A few days later, Mala was informed that her people and her island is erupting and decided to evacuate because their Eruptodon was very ill and slowly dying, and even can't bring its egg to the volcano, so they leave their island and decided to live with us. Next, the Wingmaidens decides to live with us and ordered themselves to protect baby dragons instead of baby Razorwhips because they already knew that the mother and the newborns are too dangerous for the males. One other time, when our new Night Fury Riders got under attack by hunters during the rescue, they were saved by new riders known as the Paladins of the Titan Wings consisting of Five Titan Wing Dragons, and Five Riders. Also, we went into many Dragon Wars and we ended up victorious with the dragons who are happily lost their tortured riders and hunters such as Ryker, Johann, Krogan, Drago, and Grimmel. And Astrid and I become the new alphas of Dragons after battling against Drago's Bewilderbeast. And speaking of that, before this happened, the gang decided that they want to become part of the Dragonwalkers because they had enough of becoming Berkians anymore, and I'm not sure if that would work but that's their choice and nothing else. But fun fact, in the end, they even move on for a better life. Fishlegs started teaching the hatchlings about the difference between the dragons, and he and Ruffnut started dating for a while. Tuffnut ended up in the forge helping Blacksmiths creating inventions, weapons, and saddles made out of Gronkle Iron, hard crystals from the Hidden World, and Dragon Scales. Hannah hesitantly asks Tuff to go out with him after their long-time bond with one another. And one of the Wingmaiden members started to get affections on Snotlout who was avoiding every girl who likes her while he's working with Tuffnut, and she and Snotlout ended up together for a while after she thanked him for doubting herself. As for me and Astrid, we've been together for five long years, and I love her with anything she has within her. And I hope that today is the one we will ever achieve.

I was pacing back and forth in the room of my own house, staring at something I would get nervous about when I heard a knock at my door. "Hiccup? Are you there? I can hear you pacing around," It was Hannah. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just nervous about something," I said starting at the object I was holding. Hannah opened the door to see me in this situation before her eyes went to my hands. "What is that?" She asked. "Well, this was my betrothal gift for Astrid. It means we'll be together forever," I said as I showed her the amulet.

"Aww! That's sweet of you, Brother," Hannah said placing her arms on my shoulder

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"Aww! That's sweet of you, Brother," Hannah said placing her arms on my shoulder. "She's the lucky maiden for you," She teased. "Thanks. Wait, aren't you be with Tuff right now?" I asked. "I wish, but he was helping out preparing for the festival," She said crossing her arms. 'That festival might be the one celebrating the year after the Dragon War,' I thought. "So, when are you gonna give it to her?" She asked. "Soon when the time comes," I replied facing back to the amulet.

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