Chapter 3: ᛗᛟᛟᚾᛊᛟᛜ

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Snotlout's POV

I walked to the woods to clear my head as I escape from all of my problems with my dad and Uncle Stoick. As I walked, I heard some roars and laughs out of nowhere. I followed where it comes from, and I suddenly saw a beautiful cove upon me. I looked down to see where the sound came from, and to my surprise, I saw Astrid with a white dragon that was looked like a Night Fury. Astrid was playing tricks with the dragon as the dragon was impressed by the techniques Astrid had made. I was surprised about what she did to it, and I started to think that if I decided to train a dragon when no one is around me, I would let Astrid trust me if I can. I was walking on my way to the forge when I came back to the village when I saw Astrid's mother Ingrid approaching me. "Hey, Snotlout, have you seen Astrid? I need to talk to her about something important," She asked. "No, I haven't seen her," I lied but Ingrid dramatically stares at me demanding the truth. "Okay, just please don't kill me. And yeah, I saw her in the woods," I said while surrendering. Ingrid smiled and placed her hand on my shoulder saying, "Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me," Then she gave me a wink before heading to the woods. Oh, Thor, Astrid is going to kill me when she finds out.

Astrid's POV

I was playing with Luna for a while as in before sunset when I heard a twig snapped behind us. I had my ax ready if there would be a Viking and Luna was ready to see her eyes slit. But then, I was shocked to see my mom behind the rock near us. "So, I can see that you are training a feminine unholy offspring of lightning and death," She said crossing her arms. "M-Mom, I can explain," I stuttered panicking as I dropped my ax, then she just laugh making me and Luna confused. "That's okay. The reason why I'm here and I'm okay with you training with that dragon is that I wanted to tell you something important. And you will regret this," She said as her expression turned from happy to worry and serious. She grabbed my shoulders and placing her lips on my forehead. By doing that, some flashbacks are coming through my head, and I found out what was that about.


A group of villagers is in a rush preparing and packing everything they can when a certain queen and her best friend walk in the great hall holding their baby hatchlings in their arms. "Sweetheart, are you sure we have to do this?" The queen asked her husband. "I'm sure, my love. If we keep living like this, that dragon hunter will hunt us down causing our tribe will be genocide," The king said. "What are we gonna do right now?" The queen's friend asked. "We'll go to somewhere where the dragons are hidden for our safety, and make a story about our extinction," The king said. "We'll come too," The queen's friend said. "No, both of you can't. It would be more dangerous if he finds out about the hatchlings," The king warned as he gently touching his hatchling who was giggling to the touch. "No. Please. I can't lose you," The queen said as tears flowing out of her eyes. The king gives his wife a peck on her head before giving a peck on his daughter before he gives her and the queen's friend's hatchlings two pairs of pendants, black and white.

 The king gives his wife a peck on her head before giving a peck on his daughter before he gives her and the queen's friend's hatchlings two pairs of pendants, black and white

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