Chapter 7: ᛏᛁᚷᚺᛏᚱᛟᛈᛖ

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Hiccup's POV

It's been two months that the gang and us Haddocks live in the Dragon Sanctuary. After Astrid and I defeated the Queen Red Death in our dragon form and got injured, my mom and the gang carried us back to the nest as our Furies worried about our unconsciousness. After that, things get changed in our best. Snotlout helped me build a forge for us to make saddles for our dragons, Fishlegs and I worked together to expand the knowledge of the Book of Dragons and discovered a special metal known as Gronkle Iron from Fishlegs' female dragon Meatlug, Tuffnut was seemed to get along with Hannah for a week making me, Astrid, and Ruffnut teased them and made them a couple, Ruffnut is kinda good hanging out with Mom feeding the dragons the other day, Mom and Hannah sometimes went out to free the dragons from some bad guys called Dragon Hunters, as for me and Astrid, we started dating a week ago after she got blind by lightning during the storm, and tamed a Triple Stryke named Sleuther. And since we are Royal Dragons, the dragons trained us how to become one of them. It's pretty hard, but we get used to it. Toothless and Luna are dating also after he won her heart. Everything seems pretty went well at the end until something unexpected we had found.

Astrid and I are doing our two-hour long-running exercise so we could run like a Speed Stinger. While we were running, I suddenly spotted something unfamiliar at the shore. "Astrid, look!" I said pointing out there. We stopped at our tracks to the shore and investigate the crime scene. Upon finding anything, I found a woman surrounded by a group of Terrors. From seeing their faces, I was shocked that the woman was Astrid's mother Ingrid. I looked at Astrid to see her shocked face as well. We called some dragons from the nest and told them to bring her in there to heal. Astrid found their bags, then we take off into the nest.

"Mom!" I called her out. The gang including Hannah stopped what they're doing to see what's the commotion. Once Astrid and I reached the cave, everyone was surprised to see Ingrid passed out on a dragon. Mom and Snotlout picked her up and put her in the bed, Fishlegs was about to grab some meds but Hannah told him not to because Mom knows what to do, and the twins went out to get some spring water for her to drink. Mom examined them if Ingrid had injuries during the shipwreck before she went to grab some cloth and soak them wet before drying them clearly and placing them on her head. The twins came back with a bucket of spring water and handed them to Mom. She placed the bucket down next to a stone-like table before walking back to the bed where Ingrid is. Mom placed her hands above them before when all of the sudden, she started howling. The gang is surprised to see her tricks as a blue aura glowed on them. Before the gang came along, Mom and Hannah taught me the power of healing so I could heal any living being around including dragons. But, only a small amount of it. Once she's done, she stood up and grabs the water bucket, and pours it into two cups. "She'll be awake for a while, okay?" Mom said and we agreed before we left. While we were walking, I could sense that Astrid was worried. I grab her hand knowing that everything will be okay, and she was relieved as we kept walking.

Ingrid's POV

I started to get headaches when I opened my eyes as I felt something wet on my forehead. When I touch it, I realized it was just a wet cloth on my head. I was get up carefully when a woman came to me and pushed me back. "Don't move," Said the woman. I looked to realize her. "Valka?" I asked with my dry throat and she nodded before she walks away to fetch a tray with two steaming cups of water, then she placed it aside to cool down. "So, what happened to you? And how did you got shipwrecked?" Valka asked concerned. That is when I told her my story.


I had another argument with my husband Harold and his brother Finn. Ever since Astrid ran away presumably dead, things are getting worse in the Hofferson legacy. My husband got drunk and started to abuse me, Finn, unfortunately, can't help me because he blamed me for Astrid's personality. Harold was going madly insane not knowing what he was doing. After the torture, he gave me the other night, I ended up doing household chores and farming. Every time I went out, I could see Astrid's friends' parents worried about their lost children, including Spitelout, in which I believed that my daughter ran away with her friends. Right now I came home to clean up when a sudden burst opened the door. And now that I could see Harold with a belt on his hand. He abused me a few times this week and blaming me for everything. And that's how I managed to get out of this mess. I managed to escaped Harold's actions when I got angry with my eyes slit and scratch him resulting in a claw mark on his arm where the belt holds. I ran to the woods as fast as I can to get away from him and finds a hidden cave in the south of the island next to the seashore. While I was hiding, I suddenly smell the scent of the Night Fury. When I reached the scent, I realized that there was a small treasure. Inside of it was a piece of a lens and a black cylindrical object. But, when I realized that your father was responsible for hiding the key pieces in over the Viking's archipelago. I took a moment that I have to see Gothi for help. I sneaked back to the village avoiding Harold or Finn and reached Gothi's hut and asked her for help with my wounds and the treasure. When she saw what I meant, she knew that the time would come. She told me to stay in her hut for my safety from Harold while she'll tell the Chief about the situation. By sundown, I heard some commotion down at the plaza. I looked out of Gothi's window to find the Hooligans capturing Finn and Harold, and I was quite surprised. When everything is back to normal for me, I later found out from Gothi that the Hofferson brothers are from a clan called the Dragon Sacraments. Gothi was very aware of them which is why the Dragonwalkers had a war against them and they disappeared. By the following day, I decided to leave Berk because I can't stand more in this situation, especially if the Hooligans find out I'm a Dragonwalker. They agreed that I must leave in the end, and I promised Gothi that I would find you and the teens because we believed that you guys are still out there. And after I left, I caught up in the storm. And that's how I get here.


Valka's POV

I was shocked that Ingrid was in too much pain these months. I was about to speak when someone spoke first. "Is it true, Mom?" I heard Astrid asked her as she and Hiccup walked in. Ingrid gave her an apologetic nod before Astrid hugged her for forgiveness. I looked at Hiccup and he knows what I was about to say. He walked at us to handed Ingrid her bag. "Thank you, Hiccup," Ingrid said before she scrambles into her bag. Astrid was kinda confused at first as her mother pulled out a black cylinder. "Mom, what is that?" Astrid asked. "This thing is called the Dragon Eye. Night Fury I build this object as the key to unlock the gate and the magic of the Night Furies and Dragonwalkers. To activate this, we're going to need your pendants to unlock the seal, then use a Night Fury fire to show the projection of maps and riddles to find the missing lenses and the Night Fury Island. The missing lenses are the key pieces. When you combined them like a puzzle, it will show the Night Fury's crest resembling the Book of Dragons' Strike Class symbol. If the Dragon Eye was in the wrong hands, it wouldn't be good. And lastly, only dragons could read the riddles because it's Dragonese," Ingrid explained. Hiccup and Astrid looked concerned about what would happen next, then they made up their minds. They took off their pendants and attach them before giving the pendant to her where she placed it in the hole. I noticed the Furies came in with a confusing look. "Toothless, mind if we need the light of yours, please?" Hiccup asked his best friend. Astrid adjusts the position of the Dragon Eye at the wall before Toothless releases a low fire as the lens reflects the light to see the projection.

Hiccup's POV

"Amazing," Fishlegs said awed by the Dragon Eye's projection. Snotlout traces his fingers at the lines when he comes across some letters. "Haddocks, what is this?" Snotlout asked pointing at them. "This language is Dragonese. Nobody ever heard about this language, except dragons," Mom said as she picks the Dragon Eye before turning it to change the scene to words. I walked up to it as Mom placed down the Dragon Eye as I am about to read it.

тнε ƒ¡яรт я¡ddłε ყσu нคd εvεя ƒ¡หd
¡ мคყ тн¡หк ყσu คяε тнε¡я к¡หd

тнε หεxт я¡ddłε รεεмร тσ cнครε
тнε łคหd σƒ Ъεяรεякεяร ¡ร тคк¡หg płคcε

ყσu мคყ ƒ¡หd тнε หεxт łεหร ƒ¡яรт
Ъuт Ъεωคяε тнε รкя¡łł ω¡тн Ъłσσdтн¡яรт

The gang and us Dragonwalkers were shocked that the next lens was in Berserker Island. "How would Hiccup and Hannah's grandfather place them in Islands with enemies that are against us?!" Snotlout asked and the Ex-Berkians agreed. "Maybe he wants us to make allies with them," I said thinking about the lense hidden in the island with a Strike Class Dragon. "What could we do?" Ruffnut asked. "We need a plan," I answered seriously before anything else.

Phew! That went well! After we encountered Dagur the Deranged and his Skrill, we finally got the lens before flying back to our island safely. Mom replaced the lens and handed it over to me so I could keep it in my bag for safety. Toothless lit the Dragon Eye to see another riddle.

тнε หεxт łεหร ω¡łł Ъε ωнคт ¡ร dσหε
คร тнε łคหd ¡ร pяσтεcтεd Ъყ тнε εяupтσdσห

тнε dεƒεหdεяร คяε pяσтεcт¡หg тнε¡я pяσтεcтσя
ωнεห ყσu cσмε คcяσรร тнε¡я รłคugнтεя

คหყ м¡รuหdεяรтคหd¡หg ω¡тн ค Ъ¡หg
ყσu мคყ Ъε cคugнт Ъყ тнε dεƒεหdεяร σƒ тнε ω¡หg

I rotate the Dragon Eye to find a Boulder Class Dragon that is sized bigger than a Gronckle. "That's the Eruptodon?" Fishlegs asked. "Alright! Let's go get the lens!" Tuffnut said receiving a shoulder punch from Snotlout. "No, Tuff. We must aware that those Defenders of the Wing are protecting that dragon which they believed to be their protector," Snotlout pointed out. "You've got a point there, Snotlout," Astrid said and he rolled his eyes. "Okay, guys. I guess we should find it tomorrow. In the meantime, let's get some dinner before going to bed. Was that sound good?" I said and they agreed before the rest of the night.

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