Chapter 44

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Tamera's POV

"Are we there yet?" I groaned

"For the 63-time Tamera, no" Luke said and sigh in frustration

"Ughhhhhhhhh we've been driving for two hours"

Bruhh let me tell you, the boys have been back and forth in the driver's seat for the past two hours and we haven't stop for food or anything. Daniel is sleeping and damn he's a heavy sleeper, he hasn't move from the spot he was in even with all the noise going on.

"Lukeeeee" I groaned

"Leoooo" I groaned and not one of them answer and I can be really annoying when I'm hungry and don't get what I want

"I'm hungr-"

"We're here" Leo said with excitement

I looked through the window and my jaw immediately dropped. The safe house was really pretty, it wasn't as big as Ryder's house or should I say mansion, but it wasn't a small one either

 The safe house was really pretty, it wasn't as big as Ryder's house or should I say mansion, but it wasn't a small one either

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"Wooow" I said in awe

"I know right" Luke said and smirked

I rolled my eyes and jumped out as soon as Leo parked the car

I was met with a loud squeal and I already knew who it was

"MERAAAAA" Hailey came running to me with a big smile on her face

"Hey pumpkin I missed you" I said giggling and hugging her back

"I missed you too"

"Where's mom?" I asked

"She's in the kitchen with Gracie's mom

(Gracie is Ryder's little sister in case any one of you forgot)

She went over to Luke's side and I went inside

"Omg where is my baby?" she asked in a panic tone looking over my shoulder as I walked in

Oh right

"I'm fine, thank you for asking" I said rolling my eyes

"Oh honey" she said kissing my forehead

"Are you okay Tamera?" Mrs. James asked in a concerned tone coming up to me

"Yes, just a little tired that's all and shaken up" I said smiling at her

"Oh darling, go upstairs and get some rest I'll bring up something for you later"

"But wha-"

"Don't worry about Daniel we'll take care of him for you"

I smiled and went upstairs to find Ryder's room and as usual it was black. I took off my shoes and as soon as my head touched the pillow I was out

***Ryder's POV***

"LET ME GO YOU SON OF A BITCH" Mia screamed in my face

"No" I said glaring at her

She smirked


"Haha I don't have anything to worry about because you won't torture me"

Now it was my time to smirk "you're right I won't but she will"

Samantha is one of my best fighters in the gang and I know that I can count on her if I need anything and I knew she would be perfect for this. She walked in with her little crew behind her Layla and Olivia

"What you want me to do to her boss?"

"Get some answers out of her and if it means that you have to break a bone to do it just don't kill her.... yet" I smirked walking out


Ooops she didn't get to finish that sentence and I think y'all know what happened next

I went up to my office to get some work done with Hunter and also to catch up on some leads

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