Chapter 3

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The James Home.

"Hey Mera I was wondering if you go to the house and pack some things for Hailey".

"Yeah, sure mom, but why?"

"She will be staying over her friend house for tonight and will be coming home tomorrow night. I already spoke to her parents and their OK with it".

" OK mom no problem just text me the address".

"OK honey thank you. Love you".

" Love u too mom".

I told the girls that I got to go and rode my bike out of the school parking lot and went straight home.

(20 minutes later)

My mom sent me the address and I was almost there when my jaw dropped, this is not a house it's a frigging mansion. It was beautiful, it was a three-storage home and was filled with guards everywhere. I was suddenly stopped by one of them who was pointing a gun at me.


"Who are you and what are you doing here?". The guard said with an emotion less face and in a scary tone.

Remind me of someone particularly Ryder, with his beautiful blue eyes and his soft pink lips that I just want to...........

Eww gross Tamera get a grip of yourself why are you thinking like that you don't even know him.

" i-i-im Tamera and I'm here t-to drop off s-somethings for my sister. I said stuttering with fear in my voice.

"Oh yeah I forgot boss lady said that someone will be coming here to drop off somethings for the little girl".

I let out a sigh of relive and they sent me in, there was a huge pool at the front and the garden was beautiful and full of roses.

I got off my bike and went to ring the doorbell.

A lady that I think that is in her early 30s open the door with a smile plastered on her face.

"Hello dear you must be Tamera, Hailey's older sister".

" Good afternoon, yes I am. If you don't mind me asking where is Hailey?"

"Hailey! Your sister is here" she shouted.

"I'm Ana James by the way but you can call me Ana. She said

And that's when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

" Tameraaaaa!"I heard my princess calling me in her little voice.

"Haileyyyy"I said back in a happy tone.
She came running down and jump in my arms, I hugged her and kiss her on the cheek while she hanged on around my neck.

"Are you here to pick me up" she said with a little pout.

I chuckled a little, "no pwincess I'm just here to drop off some clothes for you"
Her face lit up "oh ok......oh and the this is my friend Gracie"

"Hello Gracie"
"You're pweddy" she said in a cute tone
"Aww thanks sweetie and you're very beautiful and I like your dress too".

" Thank you, my big brother bought it for me for my 8th birthday."

"That's so sweet".
" Do you want to play Barbie with us?"
"Sorry maybe next time because I got to go home to finish my homework, I got a lot to do".

" Awwww" they both said while pouting

"Promise me that you'll come play with us next time" Gracie said with a glint of hope in her eyes.

"I promise baby girl".

Oh my God she's just so cute and I'm just realizing that she has ocean blue eyes, that are very pretty and now that I look at it her mom also have blue eyes that are very stunning. I really wonder what the James family do in life because they are super doper rich and damn they have a nice house, oh wait let me correct that a frigging mansion.
I was cut off my thoughts by a loud sound outside.

" Ryderrrrrr!" I heard Gracie squealing running pass me, I stand up and turn around but froze once I saw who it was.



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Love u angels😇😇😇

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