Chapter 41

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I jumped up in fear and looked over to Daniel's crib and he was not there so I started to panic but relaxed once I heard his giggles. I looked down at the bed and saw him bouncing on it and his aunties on the ground laughing their ass off

"You s-s-should have seen y-your face" Tiana said in-between laughs

"Oh, you think that's funny" I said getting up not realizing that I was wrapped up in the sheets and falling flat on the ground. They burst into laughter and I tried to put on a serious face

I finally got up and Shanika looked up at shouted

"RUNNN" They all got up and ran out the room and left Daniel at the back with his little legs running out and I found it really amusing and funny

I ran after them and decided to leave Dani for last. I saw Shanika by the pool and went after her then pushed her in, she squealed in surprise and flip me off

"Love you too" I said chuckling and blowing her a kiss

"I'm coming for you Tiana" I heard a squeal in the kitchen and I immediately knew it was her

gotcha, I smirked and went there. When I got to the kitchen, I didn't see her but I know where she's hiding so I went into one of the cupboards for a flour, open it up and went to the cupboard that I knew she was in. I opened the door and her face went pale

"BOO" I shouted at her, not waiting for a response and threw it all on her

"MY HAIRRRRRR" she screamed and I started to laugh

"Love you too" I went into the fridge for a whipped cream and as I was walking out, I heard Tiana


***In The Afternoon***

After I got back my revenge with Daniel and the girls, we got something to eat and took a shower. I am currently in Ryder's office annoying him because he won't let us go to the mall

"pleaseeeeee" I said, pouting at him

"For the 12th time Tamera, I said no" he said annoyed while rubbing his face

Yup he's going to break any minute now

"I WANNA GO TO THE MALL NOW" I screamed at him jumping up and down on the chair

"Come on princess do-"


I froze

Ryder's POV


Another gunshot went off; I know which dumbass was out there and he's stupid enough if he thinks that he can lay a hand on my family. I grabbed my gun and went over to Mera's side

"Are you okay?" I asked checking her body to see if she's okay

"Daniel" she whispers in fear and started to cry softly


"He's going to be okay princess I'm going to get him and bring him to you but you have to promise me you'll stay right here until I get back" I whispered to her

I gave her a gun and kissed her on the forehead

"Be careful"

"I will princess"

I walked out of the office and locked it. I took out my phone and saw a lot of missed calls from the boys so I called Hunter and he picked on the first ring

"My son" was the first thing I said

"He's safe boss, he's in the bunker with Shanika and Tiana"

I sighed in relief " good"

"Where's Tamera?"

"She's in the office, I need you and Tommy to bring her to safety and if anything happens to her y'all are both dead" I said in a serious tone

"Yes boss" he said and I hanged up

I called Leo next and he answered on the first ring also

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?" I shouted at him

"It's Mia boss"

"What?" I asked confused

"Hayden men are here also but no sign of him I think she's working with him and backup is also on the way"

That bitch

"Don't let her leave and I want her alive" I said hanging up

Mia is so dead, she better prays Tamera doesn't see her cause I know I'm scary but I know how a mother can be when it comes on to their child.

Hey guys I hope you enjoy this chapter and I apologize AGAIN for taking so long to update, I'll try and update again tonight hopefully I get the chance to. Thank you guys again for the support and I appreciate everyone of you.. WE'RE RANKING #1 OMG I'm so happy.

Do you guys think I should add two more chapters and finish it then make a part two because there's a lot of drama coming??
Comment down below and let me know what you guys think

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Love you angels 😇❤️

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