Chapter 48

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Hayden popped up from behind his boy toys and at this point I just wanted to put a bullet in his head and get it over with

"You got some nerves coming here Hayden"

"Whaaaat and miss out and all the fun"

"I have to ask though, how did you manage to do it?" Leo asked

"A magician never reveals his secret"


"I see that you have my girl, now can I have her back"

I pointed my gun at her temple, then all hell broke loose. His boy toys draw for their guns and so did my men

"It's you for her"

He burst out into laughter "You wouldn't" he said smiling

I smirked "You're right, but she will" I said

Olivia walked up from behind me and pointed her gun at Shanika's unconscious body. His smile dropped instantly and the colour drained from his face

"Kill th-"

Before he could finish my men started firing shots and as soon as you know we were in a shootout

I saw Hayden running behind his men and going outside so I told the guys to cover me and I went after him. I made it outside and saw him running towards his car so I shot him in the leg to slow him down. He screamed out in pain and fell on the ground


I stand over him, looking down on him and thinking how pathetic he is to think that he could get away with it. I didn't have time for this anymore and just wanted to go home

"This is for my family" was the last thing he heard before I shot him between the eyes

I went back inside to see most of his men lying dead on the floor and some still fighting. I raised my gun in the air and fired it two time causing everyone to stop and look my way

"Your leader is dead so I am going to give you guys three options" I said and pause looking over at them

"Join my gang, die or leave"

The place was quiet and I saw that they were thinking about it until someone spoke up

"We're staying" someone said in the back and rest nodded in agreement

"Good choice, you all will be given a test in the next three days so prepare yourself"

"Yes boss" I smirked

"Get this place cleaned up" I said while giving my three best man a nod indicating that it's time to go

***Tamera's POV***

I groaned in pain, oh my god my head was pounding. Ryder better be dead because if he's not I am going to kill him whenever he gets back

"Here take these" Mommy to the rescue

"Thanks mom" oh shit I didn't tell her about the......

"Mom" I said looking up at her in shock

"Don't worry I know everything Ana told to me"


"It's okay we will talk about it later"

"Where is Daniel?"

"Sleeping, he cried most of the time for you" I could tell that she was exhausted

My poor baby

"Go freshened up then come downstairs to get something to eat" she said kissing me on the head then leave the room

I didn't realize my surrounding until my mom left. The room was really spacious and it reeked of Ryder's scent so I know it was his, I went into the bathroom to took a bath and got myself cleaned up. After I was finish, I went towards the closet and saw some clothes that was my size so I automatically knew it was mine and at that point I wasn't surprised. I took out something comfy and made my way downstairs.

 I went into the kitchen and saw my mom talking with Ana

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I went into the kitchen and saw my mom talking with Ana

"Hey" I said giving them a smile

"How are you dear?"


Ana laughed and went to get me something to eat

"Um have you heard anything from the boys"

"Yes, they're actually on their way as we speak and everything is okay now"

I sighed in relief


"How is Tiana?" I asked in a worried tone

"The doctor said that she will be okay she just needs a lot of rest"

"Good" I smile nodding at her

I heard the front door open and realized that they were back

My blood began to boil

As soon as I saw his figure appear in the door way I snapped

I threw the glass cup at his dead missing him by an inch causing him to flinch in the process

"YOU SON OF A BITCH" I screamed at him

oh, it's on now


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Love you angels😇❤️

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