Chapter 23

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It has been three hours since we got here and the boys aren't back yet and I'm starting to worry. The place is full of securities and if someone wanted to get in, they would be dead before they even reach the gate

Hailey is still sleeping and the girls are watching a movie while I was pacing around in front of the door

I heard someone opened the door and I saw Ryder walked in with blood all over his clothes

I ran up to him and engulfed him in a hug without thinking and he wrapped his arm around me.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" I asked as I pulled away looking at him up and down in panic

"Yea I'm okay. Are you?" He asked genuinely looking in my eyes

"Y-yes" I stuttered

"Where's Hailey?"

"She's in one the room sleeping"

"Okay soo umm princess can I talk to you for a bit?" He asked with hope in his eyes

"Yes, but you have to get cleaned up first" I said eyeing him up and down in disgust because of all the blood and he chuckled, he kisses me on the cheek and ran upstairs

What just happened?

30 minutes later**

I was in Ryder's office with him and we were just staring into each other eyes not saying a word

"Didn't you want to talk or are we going to be here for the rest of the day playing staring competition" I say raising my brow at him

He cleared his throat and averted his eyes over the office and brought it back to me. He sighed and got up from around his desk and came in front of me, bending down at my level

"I know I fucked up big time"

"Big, big time" I said rolling my eyes

"And I know I've been an asshole to you"

"You haven't been an asshole Ryder, you are one" I said smiling innocently at him and I know I was pissing him off

"Look, what I'm trying to say is that I'm really sorry princess I didn't mean any of the things that I told you that day." "I was really mad about something the night before and no its not you. I didn't know what I was doing and I got drunk then call Mia without thinking"

"What made you so mad that you would do that?" I asked starting to regret everything I said about him

"Someone sent me some pictures of you in the room that same night saying how easy it was to get you" I started to panic at that

"Someone was watching me?" I whispered

"Yes, and that's why I got angry"

"But why did you say those harsh things to me?" I asked, remembering all the hurtful stuff he said about me

"To be honest Tamera I don't know, I guess because of what happened and then you told me that you hate me and I was really hurt at that I'm not going to lie. Princess, please believe me when I say I'm sorry can you just give me a next chance and I'll make it up to you please, I regret everything that I had said you and I wish I could take it back." He pleaded kneeling on the floor and by that time I was crying

"Yes" I chuckled and lunged at him. I engulfed him in a hug and he respond immediately, he got up and I wrapped my legs around him. We pulled apart and he smash his lips on mine and I was shock at his sudden action but I recovered soon and kissed him back moving our lips in sync. Things were getting really intense and we were cut off by a loud scream so I pulled away and looked up at him in fear

"Hailey" I said out loud and got off him. I ran straight to the kitchen with Ryder behind me and I saw my baby sister crying so I rushed over to her and lift her up

"What's wrong baby, who provoked you?" I asked

She sniffled and wiped her tears

"Luke took my snack" she pouted

"Luke, you made my sister cry" I turned around giving him my best death glare and fear started to show all over his face

"Come on Mera I was just messing with her" he said nervously holding up his hand

"Yea but she's crying and I hate to see my sister cry" I said walking up to him slowly and he gulp in response

"You dead" Tiana said shaking her head while chuckling

I took up a plate and throw it at him and that's when all hell broke loose.


I know that I'm late and everything but happy mother's day to all the wonderful moms out there and keep up the good work😊

Love you angels😇❤

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