Chapter 7

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"Damn he's hot"

Ryder was coming towards us along with the boys behind him, they all were in black and white along with their leather jacket to give off that bad boy vibe.

We were standing at the table waiting for them but only to be cut off by a loud noise that sounded like gunshot.


Everything was in slow motion everybody stop what they were doing and the music stopped playing but then the only thing I could hear was a hurling scream along with another gunshot going off. I turned around to see Latavia holding her stomach and blood oozing from it, I ran up to her with tears in my eyes along with girls behind me and caught her before she falls.

"Latavia sweetie keep your eyes open please, don't close your eyes" I said with tears running down my face by that time everyone was running around and screaming and the girls were by my side.

"Shit" I heard someone say, I looked up to see Ryder and the boys above us.
I looked over to see Luke with anger and sadness in his eyes, but why is he angry does he know who did this, I have to find out later but first we need to get Latavia to the hospital.

"Why are you all standing there like a fudging asshole don't you see she has a bullet in her stomach here help me get her to a hospital!" I shout at them, Luke was the first one to move and pick up Latavia from my grasp while the girls and I got up.

"Wait, Luke you know the drill no hospital" Ryder said, I gave him a confuse look and that's when my anger rise.


"We don't want the police to be involved" was all he could say.

"Leo and Luke get the girls to my house I called for backup so they will be here in ten to fifteen minutes" Ryder said and Leo nod and we rushed outside to his car and got in with me in the driver's seat and drove off to Ryder's house.

5 hours later

It's been five long hours since we have reach Ryder's house, Latavia is still in surgery and Ryder hasn't come home as yet and I'm beginning to worry.

It was 3am in the morning and the girls and I were still up waiting to hear something about Latavia.

"Do you think she's going to be okay?" Shanika asked with tears brimming up in her eyes and that made tears came to my eye.

"To be honest I really don't know" I said with a raspy voice.
We went into a group hug and stayed like that for couple minutes but when we heard the door opened, we separated to see the all the boys except for Luke standing there with blood all over them. Tiana got up and went over to Hunter and hugged him and Shanika went over to do the same while I just sit down and he came over to be and sat down on the bed beside me, I put my head down not wanting him to see me cry, he put his finger under my chin and lift it up and that's when our eyes met.

"Are you OK?" He asked with concern and sadness in his eyes.
And that's when I break down in front of Ryder, he pulled me closer to him and put his hands around me for comfort, we stayed like that until I stopped bawling my eyes out. I was in Ryder's lap and I don't know how I got there, I eased up a little but not too much to be out of his lap, his hands were now on my bare skin because I was still in the clothes I wore from the party.

"Are you ok, where did all this blood come from?" I asked concerned and wanting answers.

"Yes and no it's not mine"

"Then whose is it" I asked getting scared that he might be killing people.

"Tamera I'm going to tell you something but promise me you won't run away from me and get scared because I won't hurt you and I will never do it" he said getting nervous but I was just confused.

"I'm in a gang and I'm the leader" he said and I froze.


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Love you Angels😇

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