Chapter 16

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Tamera POV

When I got up and look at the time on my phone, I saw that it was 7:30 so I sit up on the bed and was just staring out of space for a good five minutes until I heard my tummy grumbling for food.

"Ughh" I groan and got up going to the bathroom to do my routine then got out and went to my closet, because I wasn't feeling the vibe to dress up, I picked out a shorts, a tank top and my pink slippers

"Ughh" I groan and got up going to the bathroom to do my routine then got out and went to my closet, because I wasn't feeling the vibe to dress up, I picked out a shorts, a tank top and my pink slippers

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I plugged my phone out and took it up from off the night table and try to find my way down to the kitchen

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I plugged my phone out and took it up from off the night table and try to find my way down to the kitchen. It took me fifteen minutes to find the kitchen and to my surprise it was empty so I made myself some coffee, pancakes and bacon then put up the rest for the guys when they woke up. I was on my phone until I heard the door open and I saw Latavia walking in looking like she just got hit by a bus

"Damn babe you look like shit" I laugh out and I just got a glare in response

I laughed and laughed until I almost fell off the stool. She got some coffee and came around the counter in front of me

"I didn't get any fucking sleep that's what happened" she said glaring at me

"Why you looking at me like that?" I asked looking at her with confusion

"You and lover boy were having sex last night and I hardly got any sleep because of both of you and no offence you sound like a cat giving birth"

I gave her the same look as before "Okay first of all me and Ryder didn't have sex last night, I went straight to my bed, second I know if I was having sex with someone, I wouldn't sound like that and third Ryder was having sex with someone last night" I answered back lowering my voice at the last sentence feeling my heart sink

Realization hit her "omg Tamera that wasn't you, omg I'm so sorry I thought it was you" she said coming up to me and by that time a tear slipped out of my eye followed by a next and a next and a-

"Hey what's going on here Tamera why are you crying" Tiana rushed over to me and by that time everyone was in the kitchen except Ryder and his little hook up.

By that time Latavia had already tell them everything and I had already wipe my tears, the boys were giving me sympathetic looks and girls were telling me not to worry it's okay and that he doesn't deserve me etc.

The guys were cheering me up and I'm not going to lie it was working and by that time we were laughing our asses off until that had to be ruined by someone banging the door open.

I turned my head to see who it was and to be honest I was shocked and was not expecting that person here and let me tell you guys everyone was shock and behind her was the one and only Ryder James.


"Morning guys, bitch" she said looking at me referring me to the bitch and to let y'all know I wasn't having it with her today

"Your mama"

"What did you just say bitch?"

"I said your mama the bitch, what you going to do" I fired back while standing up.
She started to walk up to me but before she could get any further the girls came in front of me giving her 'you got to come through us first before you can get to her' look

My babies, see why I have to love them

"Babyyy you really going to let her talk to me like that" she said swinging her arms around his neck making my blood boil and clench my fists but what happen next cause me to unclench them looking at them with hurt

"Jump" he growls at her and she did so causing him to catch her and put his hand on her ass, making out with her right in front of my eyes

"Do you love her babe?" She asked after they were done

"No" he said looking right into my eyes

"Did you even like her?"

"No, she was just another bitch that I wanted to hook up with"

"See whore I told you that he will always come back to me" she said walking away and by that time I was on the verge of crying.

I didn't know what I was doing until I reached in front of his face


Everyone gasp and was shock at my sudden action
"I hate you" I said with hatred and I saw the look of hurt flashed in his eyes but was soon covered up by anger and the next thing I knew that I was pushed up against the wall with an arm around my throat cutting of the air from my lungs

"Ryder let her go" Tiana shouted at him

"You're going to kill her" Shanika also shouted

"Let her go man you're hurting her" Hunter said

"SHUT UP ALL OF YOU" he shouted making me flinch

"You're a bitch, a slut and I will never love you. I only wanted to fuck you and let everyone know what a slut you were" he said and damn that cut deeper than a knife

He was still choking me and the girls were crying and the boys were trying to tell him to stop but I couldn't take it anymore so I took up the knife and stabbed him, kicking him where the sun doesn't shine. He dropped to the floor groaning in pain while I was up against the wall catching my breath and holding my neck.

I didn't want to stay here anymore so I ran to the door and grabbed my car keys heading out to my car and drove off bawling my eyes out.

I hate you Ryder James


Hey guys that was the next update and I want to thank everyone who has been voting and also thanks for the good comments, glad you guys like the book so far.

Oh, and tell me what you guys think about this chapter don't forget to vote and leave a comment

Love you angels😇❤

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