Chapter 33

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We've been driving for an hour now and Ryder doesn't want to tell me where we're going.

"We're here"


When I looked through the window, I saw that we were at a private beach so I looked back at Ryder and gave him a confuse look

"I'm wearing heels bruh"

He smirked "I know that's why I brought your Bridget slippers" and I blushed

He chuckled and opened the door then came around to my side, take off the heels and put on my slippers

"Thanks" I smiled while he was helping out

"Let's go"

"You could have at least told me to bring a bathing suit you know"

"Shh we're almost there"

"That's what you said th-"

"We're here" he said

I looked up and oh em geeee

I looked up and oh em geeee

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"Ryder" I whispered

"Do you like it?" He asked nervously

"I-I-I love it" I said excitingly, turning around to hug him

"Did you do all this by yourself?"

"I got a little help from Tiana" he said nervously

"I love it, thank you Ryder" I said genuinely

"Let's eat because I'm starving"

I chuckled and shake my head

***Later that night***

"I had fun tonight" I smiled at him as we were walking to the car

"Glad you did"

"Tamera" he whispered softly as I was about to open the car door

"I'm sorry for everything that I've done to you and I don't know how you were able to forgive me. The first time I saw you at school I knew that you had to be mine and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, it's not going to be easy with being in the gang and you in my life but I promise you that I won't let anything or anyone hurt you be-"

"Ryder" I whispered with tears running down my face

"No let me finish. Baby girl you mean the world to me and you opened something in me that no one could have done. Tamera I-I love you and I want to start over please"

"Ryder, I love you too and I would love to start over" I said with tears of joy and leaped into his arms to kiss him

"Let's go home" he said

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