Chapter 29

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I've been in the cell for about a week now and I haven't seen Luke since the day he slapped me. That same Jerry guy has come every day to give me meals and most times if he doesn't get his ways with me, he would punch me or slap me. I got a lot of bruises on my body and some days I just give up on Ryder coming to get me an-

"Wake up bitch" someone spat taking me out of my thoughts and dragging me through the door to I don't know where

He brought me to another cell but this one was much bigger and there was a tv at the side and a couple weapons laying on a table on the other side

Omg amma die today, my thoughts scream at me

"Leave me alone" someone screamed. That sounded like Shanika

"You son of a bitch" she screamed

"Don't touch her" Latavia said

"Both of you shut the fuck up" one of Hayden's men shouted

"Tamera" someone whispered

I looked up to see Tiana with bruises all over her body, a busted lip and a black eye.
"Oh god Tiana what did they do to you" I sobbed out trying to get up but couldn't because of my stomach. She saw what was happening and limp over to me embracing me into a hug

We were cut short by Hayden entering the room and saying some things in Italian

"Well look what we have here" he chuckled darkly

"I told you not to hurt my friends" I spat glaring at him

He chuckles " yea you did but they were being very disrespectful to my men and I couldn't allow them to get away with that" he smiled

"Ryder and his men are going to come for us and when he does, I'm going to make sure he saves you for last and I'm going to torture you and kill you in the slowest way as possible" I glared

"That's not going to happen because I'm going to have my way with you first and then kill you after. So by time your little prince charming gets here you're already dead" he said slowly causing me to whimper in fear and he smirk at that

"By the way let's see how Ryder is doing. Boys tie them up" he smirk

"Leave us alone" I screamed

"Stop!" Tiana scream

"Don't touch me" Latavia cried


"Shut up!!" Hayden screamed

"I will put a god damn bullet in your head if you all don't shut your mouth"

"Boss here we go" someone said

"Ciao fratello" (hi brother)

"Dove cazzo sono le ragazze" (where the fuck are the girls?)

"Is that a way to greet your dear brother" he smirked

"Ryder" I cried

"Jesus Christ princess are you okay?"

No is he really going to ask that, this bitc-

No, no Tamera it's not time for your stupid behaviour now


"Enough bullshit, let's play a game Ryder shall we"

"I'm not playing any of your fucked up games Hayden. Let the girls out they have nothing to with any of this" he shouted at the last part

"Wrong answer" he smirked and before I know what was happening Hayden stabbed me in the leg with a knife and I screamed out in pain

"Nooo!" I heard Ryder screamed

"I'm going to find you, you son of a bitch and I'm going to torture you very slowly until you beg me to kill you" Ryder sneered

"Wrong answer again" then he stabbed Tiana in the shoulder. She screamed out and held her shoulder to try stop the bleeding

"See you later Ryder" he grinned

***Ryder's POV***

"Boss we got their location"

"Okay get all the men ready right away we are leaving in the next thirty minutes" "Sure thing boss''

One of my men just found out the location of where they're holding the girls and we will be going there in a few minutes. Hailey and my sister are at my grandparent's house until all of this is over but Hailey is still a mess, she gets scared during the night and normally cries for Tamera asking when will she be back and all I do is lie to her telling that she'll be back the next day and the day after but fuck I feel so bad for doing it.

"Boss we got to go now" one of my men said running in

Hold on baby girl I'm coming to get you then I'm going to kill that son of a bitch for putting you through so much pain.


Hayden left us in a cell and left with Latavia to God knows where, Tiana managed to stop the bleeding and Shanika is unconscious and on the other hand my leg is still bleeding and my body aches all over.

"Do you think they are going to come for us?" Tiana asked taking me out of my thoughts

That's when the tears started to roll down my cheek" To be honest with you I really don't know, I just want to get out of here"


I jumped when I heard that sound and looked over to Tiana to see that her face also turned pale. Shouting came after that along with more gun shots going off then I heard footsteps coming down the passage way. Someone stopped at our cell and I look up to see that it was Hunter. I gave him a weak smile and he looked at us in sympathy, he shot the lock on the grill and pushed it open running over to Tiana to check if she was okay but she was already bawling her eyes out

"Where's Ryder?'' I asked

"Don't worry he's out there taking care of the rest of the guys and his dick head brother''

''Did you see Latavia?'' I asked with concern but all he did was give me a look and I knew what that meant


I screamed out and wrapped my arms around my stomach then looked down and saw that blood was gushing out, gosh what is it with me and getting shot

''shit no no no Tamera stay with me'' Hunter said to me in a panicked tone

I started to feel dizzy and was starting to hear faint noises around me and that's when black dots started to appear in front of me and I know that I was going to black out but not before hearing Ryder shouting out my name


hey guys I'm really sorry for taking so long to update, I'm having a little problem here so that's why I didn't get to update along with some other personal stuff but I'm back now and will be updating again tomorrow. Also keep those comments coming and don't forget to vote I'm glad you guys are liking it so far.

Oh and I've also seen you guys asking this question if I'm an Jamaican and to answer that question ...yes I'm a proud Jamaican girl so big up all my Jamaican people out there lol.

Love you angels

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