Chapter 18

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2 weeks later**

So, it has been 2 weeks since I've spoken to Ryder but I've seen him around at school. The boys come over like every day and the girls basically live with me now.

I'm much better than before now and to my existence I'm doing great

We all knew that the girls had a thing for Luke, Leo and Hunter so over the past weeks Tiana and Hunter start dating as well as Latavia and Luke but Shanika has a crush on Leo and I'm not sure what's going on with them.

"Wake up, wake up its Friday" I screamed in the girl's ears. Last night they were up watching teen wolf when they should be sleeping. But I know I was going to have fun waking them up this morning so I let them be.

"Ughh shut up" Shanika said

"Whoever gets up first gets to drive my car to school" I smirk

That cause all of them to jump up and head to the bathroom but Latavia got in first and I laughed at them

"Looks like Latavia is driving the car today"

"Woooooo" she shouted from the bathroom


"Hey that's not fair she pushed me" Tiana whined

"Better luck next time buttercup" I giggled

The rest of us started to pick out our outfit for the day




Latavia finally got out and Shanika went in next

"Oh, I forgot... There's a bathroom down the hall and I can use my mom's one"

"Why didn't you say that earlier" Tiana glared

I shrugged and went out of the room to do my morning routine.

When I was finished, I went into my room to grabbed my stuff and went downstairs to see my mom and the girls


"Hey mom" I kissed her on the cheek

"Morning sweetie, what are you girls going to eat for breakfast" she smiled at me

"Oh, I was thinking me and the girls could get breakfast at Wendy's" I said looking at the girls for an answer

"Uh yeah sure why not" Tiana said

"Oh, okay then girls you better get going and I will be home late tonight so don't wait up"

"Okay bye mom love you".

" Bye girls"

"Byeee" they said in chorus

We all piled up outside and the girls head out to the car and I went the other direction

"Hey where you going" Latavia asked confused

I turned and smirk at them

"Oh, I'm not going with you guys am going with my baby" I said rushing over to my bike

"You're going to make an entrance aren't you" Tiana said

"Oh, you girls know me too well" I smirked at them

"Race you to Wendy's and school"

"Oh, you're on" Latavia said while the two girls behind look terrified

"I'm going to die today" Shanika said getting into the car while I chuckled at them

At School**

I definitely made an entrance haha everyone was staring at me. When I got off and took off my helmet the girls were glaring at me and the boys were looking at me in awe.

I saw the rest of the crew making their way over to me including Ryder and Mia

"You just had to make an entrance didn't you" Luke walk up to me giving me a hug

"Yes, yes I had to" I reply with a smirk

"Nice ride who did you steal it from" Barbie doll said. Doesn't this girl get the meaning fuck off

"Um who are you and where did you come from?" I asked getting annoyed of her voice

" I'm Mia, Ryder's girlfriend you know the one that he has been fucking the past few weeks" she said with an smirk

Um okay is that supposed to make me angry or jealous? Cause the answer is no its not working

"Stop" Hunter growled out

"No, its okay hunter" I said walking up to her face and by that time Ryder was nowhere beside her

" Barbie doll I'm not jealous it's not like I have feelings for him anymore so no I'm not hurt and I'm really surprise you two haven't catch STD yet like damn the amount of boys you had sex with for the past weeks including Ryder oh and sweetie pie you should be ashamed of saying that like that's what sluts do but then again everyone already knows you're a walking church door so no surprise" I said with a smirk backing up

She was about to slap me but I caught her hand in mid-air and she was so shocked

"I told you last time not to try that again but let me make this clear again since you saw what I did to your little boyfriend arm I will do it again but only on you and I'm not afraid to do it but this time it will be right here" I said tracing my finger on her neck and damn didn't she look like she was about to shit her pants

I turned to Ryder and saw that he has a look of hurt and regret in his eyes but was soon covered up

"You" I pointed to him and went closer

"Keep your dog on a leash" I said and walked away not waiting for a response

Ughh today is going to be a long day


Yayyyy two updates in one day hope you guys like it and vote don't forget to leave a comment

Do you guys think I have good taste in clothes???

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Love you angels😇❤

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