Chapter 4

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Fudge, fudge, fudge was all I could
think of saying and I'm such an idiot how could I not put those pieces together Mrs. James and when Gracie said that her brother bought her the dress she was talking about Ryder, oh my God I'm so stupid. Wait, wait, wait so that means Ryder lives in this fricken mansion, damn he's rich now I see why he has those girls wrapped around his fingers and damn he's hot.

"Princess are you stalking me?" I heard Ryder asked snapping me out of my thoughts with his cocky voice.

"I would rather stalk a goat before ever thinking of stalking you" I said while his friends were laughing and Ryder just glared at them and they stop laughing.

" OK then why are you here?"

"I'm here to drop off some stuff for my little sister".

His eyes go wide " wait hold up you're the girl Hailey been talking about damn you're hotter than she said" he said while smirking and I just blush, oh my God why am I blushing, what is this boy doing to me?

"Whatever I'm leaving" I said going up to Hailey giving her a kiss on the cheek.

I told everyone bye and went on my baby and ride home not before stopping at Starbucks to get something to eat and by time I got home it was 8:30 so I went to bed.

***Next day***

I got up by the sound of my stupid alarm going off. I groan getting up going to my wardrobe.
I decided to wear a white high waist pants, a pink crop top and a pink jacket along with my combat boots

I went to the bathroom did my business, then brushed my teeth and took a shower, after I was finish, I went into my drawer and took out my matching pink undergarment and then my clothes, I went to my makeup table, apply some eyeliner and lip gloss...

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I went to the bathroom did my business, then brushed my teeth and took a shower, after I was finish, I went into my drawer and took out my matching pink undergarment and then my clothes, I went to my makeup table, apply some eyeliner and lip gloss and then I straighten my hair. When I was finish it was 7:30 and school start at 8, I grabbed my stuff and went downstairs to see mom making breakfast.

"Hey mom"
"Morning sweetie, how did you sleep" she said handing a plate with Bacon and eggs.


" Oh, Mera could you pick Hailey up today from Ana"

Shit why couldn't I pick her up at school, that means I would have to face you know who, but I have no choice.

"Sure, thing mom"

I looked at my phone screen and saw that it was 7:40, got to go to hell now, I mean school.

"Bye mom" I said taking up my keys and giving her a kiss.

"Bye sweetie and when we get back later we have to talk about that fight yesterday" and I froze.

Oh shit.

How did she find out, I'm dead?

So, I just ran out of the house not looking back, I got on my bike putting on my bike and reverse out of the drive way going to school.

* 10 mins later*

I ride in the school yard and see people staring at me which I hate, I find a parking space to park my bike and got back.
I walked in the school to see the girls standing at my lockers along with the boys, why are the boys standing at my lockers? that was the question on my mind.

"Hey guys"

Hey and hello was the choruses that I got back.

"Hey Tamera so you coming to our party this Saturday?" Luke asks me while Leo just nod.

"Sure, why not, are you guys going?" I asked the girls

"Yessss bitch we have to go" Latavia squeal while we all just laugh

"I-" but was cut off by the most annoying voice in the school

"Bitch didn't I tell you to stay away from the boys you slut."

"Uh oh" Ryder said.

Looks like I'm going to have to put this girl in her right mind again because what she got yesterday wasn't good enough.


New update please tell me if you guys like it

Love you angels😘😇

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