Chapter 9

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***Ryder's POV***

"What do you want and how did you get my number?" I spat with venom lacing in my voice.
Hayden is my older brother that I hate now, he betrayed the James family and tried to kill my dad along with kidnapping my mom and abusing her for two months. I hated him ever since.

"Is that how you treat your brother after not talking to him for 4 years". He said emphasizing the word brother and by the way how he sounds I could tell he was smirking.

"What do you want Hayden and why are you calling me?" I asked getting tired of him because all I wanted to do was put a bullet through his head.

"Just telling you I'm coming back to Canada and I'm keeping my eyes on that sexy chick Tamera"


My heart dropped when I heard his last words, he wants my princess. No, no he took everything from me and I'm not going to let him hurt my princess.

I went inside and barged in my dad's office.

"Hayden is back and he wants Tamera" I said. My dad looked up and stiffened at what I had said.


" When?"


" I don't know dad he just called me and told me to keep an eye on Tamera and he's back".

"Ok son calm down first we need to get around 4-5 men to keep an eye on her, get extra security guards and make sure your mom is okay"

I nod my head and left the office and went to the gym to blow off some steam.

***Tamera POV***

Oh my god the boy that I like is a gang leader and his whole family is a part of it.

So, I'm in my room freaking out now while the girls are lying down.

"Tamera calm down just stay away from him and the boys". Shanika said.

"Stay away from him, he goes to our school how am I going to do that" I said getting angry.

"We'll help you and don't worry I got a plan" she said.

"Okay we'll talk about this tomorrow let's just get some rest". Tiana said and we all nod in agreement.


I didn't want to go to school today but I had no choice. The girls have been staying at my house since Saturday and we promise ourselves to stay far away as we can from the boys.

I got up out of bed and saw that the girls weren't in my room so I shrugged it off and went into the bathroom to do my daily routine.

I got out of the bathroom wrapped around in a towel and went to my closet to find something to wear for the day.

I got out of the bathroom wrapped around in a towel and went to my closet to find something to wear for the day

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I did a light make up this morning because I wasn't in the mood for any heavy makeup.

I grabbed my bag and went downstairs to see my mom and friends in the kitchen eating breakfast that my mom prepared. I didn't have any appetite to eat anything so I told my mom bye and kiss her on the cheek then went through the door with the girls following behind. We got in the car and I drove off to school.

As usual we got stares as we drove in the school parking lot. I got out of the car and walk into the school without looking back.

I got to my locker and took out my books that I'm going to need for class and right when I'm about to close it I heard the one voice that I was trying to avoid.

"Hey slut"


I sighed and close my eyes thinking of ways I'm going to beat her because I really wasn't in the mood for her shit.

"What do you want" I said in a bored tone.

"Oh, just here to tell you that me and Ryder got back together so you can stay away from him".

I rolled my eyes "okay then" I said and walk off.

"Bitch don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you" she shouts causing everyone to stop and turn around to look at us.

"Bitch do I look like your mother" I fired back.
You could hear ooh's and burn in the hallway.

I turned around and was about to walk off when she grabbed my hair and turn me around throwing a punch my way, I punched her back causing her to trip and grabbed her back by the hair pouncing her head on
the locker until I heard a satisfying crack, I dropped her to the floor and turned around to me with a pair of blue eyes that I was trying to avoid.

I turned other way and ran out the school door and went into my car and drove off.


Hey guys I'm really sorry for the long update but I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Don't forget to vote. Love you angels😇

Oh and thank you all for 3.53k readers it means a lot to me.

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