Chapter 50

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I woke up with a smile on my face remembering everything that had happened last night, I was wrapped up in the covers with my bare body underneath. I turned around saw Ryder still sleeping, he looked so peaceful and unbothered, sometimes I wonder if he would ever leave this gang and start over new although I heard once you join there is no leaving unless it is death but hey who knows

"What are you thinking about?" Ryder asked taking me out of my thoughts

"Do you ever think about leaving the gang?" I asked him

"Why?" he asked suspicious

I shrugged "Just wanted to know" I answered with all honesty

Ryder pecked me on the cheek "I'm carrying on my father's legacy and my son is the heir to the family business" I jumped up at his words and yes, he knew that I wasn't happy with it

"Daniel will not be involve in your 'business'" I said getting upset

"It's not up for discussion" he said getting up out of bed

"Up for discussion? Daniel is MY son and I am his mother. You weren't the one at the hospital in labour for 12 hours, I was. You missed almost two years of his life because you didn't want to be a bigger person and you don't know the restless nights I had just to take care of MY son"

"Tamera I-"

"MY son will not be in a gang much less to be the leader of one and if you don't agree I will leave and don't for one underestimate me because you know I will and this time you won't be able to find me" I walked past him to the bathroom not waiting for a response and slammed the door

Who does he think he is to be wanting to make demands about my son's future, I mean I understand it's his child too but no he didn't even talk to me about it, he just went on and decide for himself. I took a quick shower and went down to the med bay to check on Tiana and Hunter was there sitting by the bed

I smiled at the sight "Hey, how are you feeling?"

They turned to my direction and damn Tiana looked like hell

"Like I just got run over by a truck"

I chuckled "You look like hell" I said out loud and we all laughed

Hunter got a called and said that it was Ryder so he had to go

He kissed Tiana goodbye and told her that he loved her, I gasped in shock and excitement causing them to both glare at me, telling me to shut up. I giggled at them and waited for Hunter to leave

I squealed at Tiana "Tell me everything" I said jumping up like a kid

"Okay, okay sit down" she scowled at me

"A couple months ago when we came back from The Bahamas I caught him cheating on me"


"Sit down and let me finish, you aren't fighting anyone today"

I gasped in shock "I would never do such thing" I said in a dramatic way

"Drama queen" she replied rolling her eyes

"Um anyways he told me that it was just a onetime thing and she was a nobody, I didn't care at the time so I told him that I needed a break. I've been avoiding him ever since and I have to admit that it was hard until last night when he came down here"

"You guys had sex" I said jumping up

"No bitch we dug a grave" she said sarcastically

"That's mean" I pouted and she rolled her eyes. Again.

"I'm not going to go into details but we made a connection last night"

"That's it" I said dropping my jaw

"Yes" she said sticking out her tongue

"So, what happened with you and Ryder last night, Hunter told me that you threw a glass cup at him"

"Oh my god girl I have so much to tell you"

Tiana and I were there talking for a very long time until it was time for her to take her medication which made her drowsy so I left and told her that I'd come back later. I went to the kitchen to get something to eat because I was starving then I went to the living room to see the boys watching tv and playing with Daniel, I went to sit beside Leo because I wanted to see how he was holding up since him and Shanika had a thing


"What's up?"

"Nothing just here" he gave me a suspicious look, squinting his eyes at me

"What do you want?"

I chuckled at him "Nothing, I just wanted to see how you're doing" I said with all seriousness

"Oh" he said getting sad

"So how are you?" I asked with a concerned look

I saw that his eyes started to watered so I took his hand and told him to come with me, we went outside on the balcony and I gave him some time until he was ready to talk again

"I trusted her" he said breaking the silence and I kept quiet

"I thought that she was the one but I was wrong"

Tears were flowing down his cheeks and I knew that he was really hurting "I loved her so much and she betrayed me like that, hell she told me everything and I tried to stop her and she wouldn't listen to me"

"I loved her Tamera, I loved her..." was all he was repeating. I felt bad for him and brought him close to me and engulfed him in a hug. He wrapped his arms around me and I let him let it all out. Leo needed someone and I was going to be there for him because he was like a brother to me

I heard the door open behind me so I turned my head and saw Ryder with a confused look on his face, he looked down at Leo and saw him crying. I shook my head at him, telling him not to come and he came to realization then turned back

Poor Leo


Hey guys I hope you like this chapter and to be honest I don't know what I think about it because I'm not really feeling it but I hope you guys like it. Don't forget to leave a comment and vote.

Love you angels😇❤

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