Chapter 20

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What are they doing here?" I asked turning around glaring at everyone

"I had no idea that they were coming trust me" Luke said with guilt

"Look, if you don't want to stay, we can find another beach or we can go a next day" Leo said with sadness lace in his voice

"No, its okay I'm not going to let two baboons ruin my day, you guys brought me here to have fun and that's what we are going to do" I said with a smirk but then had to be ruin my baboon face over here

"Wait hold up, babe she called us a baboon" she whined and to my surprise Ryder didn't do anything but stand there and looked around

"Mera let's go change and get the fun started" Shanika said changing the subject. I smile in response and went to find our spot, once we found one the girls and I started to get out of our clothes and was only left in our bikini.

We got a lot of wolf whistle from the boys and also from the guys that are passing by. I looked up to see Ryder glaring at my body clenching his fist.

Yassss bitch this is what you missing out on

"Sluts" Mia said glaring at us. This girl just had to open her mouth and say something about us didn't she but y'all know me I wasn't letting her get away with it

"Haha you calling us sluts like yeah it's a bathing suit it's supposed to show skin yes but not so much I said looking her up and down in disgust"

"What's that supposed to mean" she snarled

"This isn't a strip club it's a god damn beach and kids come here" I said calmly

"Okay whatever whore" she said and flashed her hair

I shook my head "I'm done cause if I keep going I'm going to drown a bitch today" I said and walk off

It was like 12 noon now and all of us were having fun, Mia and this random girl got in a fight and damn let me tell you this the girls and I helped the girl and I almost drowned Mia, if it wasn't for Ryder, she would be dead by now. After the whole chaos Ryder disgraced her in front of everyone and she was ashamed so she left.

"I'm starving" I whined

"Okay let's go get something to eat at the diner over there" Hunter said pointing at the seafood restaurant across from the beach. We grabbed our stuff and went over there; Ryder opened the door letting us in and when we got in, I saw people looking behind us in fear so I gave them a confuse look and looked behind me to see the boys with an emotionless face. Ooooo I forgot that they were the most feared gang across the world.

We found a seat at the back and we all sat in it. The girls were beside me and the boys on the other end and guess who was in front of me , the one and only Ryder James. He was about to say something to me and I gave him the 'bitch don't talk to me' look and he looked down

Ryder POV

I messed up, I messed up big time, Tamera fucking hates me now and it's all my fault. The day I had her up against the wall was an accident it wasn't supposed to happen it's just that when she told me she hates me I lost it even when I called her those names, I knew it was wrong cause she's none of those things. The boys aren't really talking to me either but they knew why I had slept with Mia and they are kind of okay with it but what I did to Tamera was way over the line and I knew I fucked up.

I was cut off by my thoughts by the sound of gun shots


I looked up to see people running around and screaming then I looked in front of me to see Tamera with a terrified look on her face

She's my number one priority and I got to keep her safe

"Hunter get the girls to safety, Leo call for back up and Luke, you come with me"


More gun shots went off causing the girls to scream this time

"Hunter now!" I shouted

Whoever think that they can come and shoot at us is making a big mistake and has a death wish.

I shot at a couple of men that I saw with guns aiming at me, by the time back up came most of the men from the other gang was dead.

"I want information on who these men are, which gang they are from and who sent them-" I was cut off by another loud noise


I heard screams and saw Latavia came running to me with tears running down her cheek

"What's wrong"

"M-Mera has b-been shot" she managed to choke out

I ran in the direction she was coming from and what I saw next made my heart sank

Tamera was on the ground unconscious while Tiana had her head in her lap pressing down on her chest crying telling her to stay awake.
I ran up to her and scooped her up in my arms bringing her to the van.

Please don't be dead princess, I'm so sorry this is all my fault


Hope you guys like this chapter don't forget to vote and leave a comment.

Well I think some of you may not really like it cause Tamera got shot but oh well let's just hope she's gonna be okay ;-)

Love you angels😇❤

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