Chapter Seventeen

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I spent the entire day cleaning, the entire apartment. I sprayed room spray around my room but I think I did too much because now it smells like a Bath and Body works shop times ten. I think it dies down just enough, hopefully. I need a plan, I have to ask her out tonight before my aunt does. Well, I can probably put it off until tomorrow. Maybe the last day as she is leaving, because how awkward would it be if she said no and was still bunking with me. 

May was really happy about her staying here, she was as crazy as I was about cleaning up the house but still happy. Speaking of Happy, he is supposed to drop her off in ten minutes which actually means twenty minutes in girl time according to Aunt May. I seriously need tips from Ned, as crazy as he can be sometimes he is really wise like an old man but with more insults thrown into the mix.

"Yeah you can't ask her out tonight, you gotta let her settle in woo her a bit?"

"Woo?" I asked through the phone.

"Ya know, the dance of flirting."

"I don't flirt. Can't I just like... I don't know... invite you over to be my wing-man? "

"Normally I would tell you that is the stupidest thing you could do in a situation like this, but I want to see her use her powers so I'll be over in ten."

I hung up the phone and got off the roof of my building to crawl into my room without being detected by others. I looked at the last minute touches making sure both beds were made and the movie options laid out. How would I flirt with her without turning into a total creep? Maybe she can give me some sort of sign telling me to make a move, but I am dyslexic when it comes to girls giving signs. Which is what Ned is for in this scenario. 

"PETER!" she yelled jumping into my arms. I wasn't even thinking about whether this was a friend hug or a romantic hug for her, she just gives really good hugs. "Oh and you must be his aunt. May right? I'm Anna, thank you so much for letting me stay here. Has Peter filled you in?" Happy carried her bags to my room which she threw on the ground when she saw me. 

"Yeah Peter filled me in on most of it. You can call me May if you want! You are so pretty, I love your dress very summery!" her dress was pretty, I should've said that. 


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Author's note- I DO NOT SPONSOR SHEIN... but its on their website for 6 bucks if you want it.

"Thank you I'm not usually a dress person but- Oh Happy did you bring up the gifts?"

"Yeah I did, along with the purse you left in the car by the way."

Her face winced as she sucked in a hiss but laughed, "Sorry Happy!" she turned back to us, "I hope you don't mind but I brought some pints of Ice-Cream and an early birthday present for you. I know it's a month away and all but you really never know with the unpredictability of life. Besides I saw it on the way here and figured it would be a nice gift. Are you lactose intolerant? I got one that was coconut milk based just in case." She was so cute when she rambled on and on, always talking with her hands. "Peter?"

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