Chapter Four

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Peter's POV

She stopped, "This is awesome. How am I doing this?"

"I don't know, we should probably tell Mr. Stark."

"Iron Man right?"

It was weird hearing her ask that, everyone in the world knows who he is, "Yeah he's Iron Man."

"I'll tell him tomorrow, just want to have a calm night. You won't tell him will you?"

I should probably be running down the stairs to tell him but something stopped me. Could've been the fact that my hair was a mess, or how I kind of understood where she was coming from.

"I won't but you have to. Tomorrow right?"

"Yeah I swear." she blew another breeze that mostly fixed my hair. She then dried off her face as well, "This is actually really easy surprisingly."

"Yeah you're a natural." my phone started buzzing, probably Ned. I discretely opened it, not Ned just Instagram. Oh shit. "Oh no no no no."

"What's wrong?"

I realized this might seem like a petty problem compared to everything that is happening with her right now, "It's nothing just some girl at school."

"You like her?"

I'm usually very reserved about this kind of thing but she won't ever meet her and it could help take her mind off of things. "Is there any cameras in here?"

"No I made sure this room had privacy."

"Then yeah I do... but she has a boyfriend. Who is all athletic."

"You are Spiderman, crime fighting and kick ass superhero and your competition is some meathead?"

"Yep. They don't know my identity, just my Aunt, the Avengers, and Ned."


"Best friend, he's really great at hacking into things too. He isn't really good at keeping secrets but he has been keeping this one pretty well." She nodded like she was understanding everything. "You said I could ask you anything right?"

"Yeah. All within reason though. I'm not that desperate to have a conversation."

"Why did you agree to stay here? How many people know where you came from? Are you the only one? What's it like not remembering?" I take a deep breath in.

"I agreed to stay here cause I have no where else to go and he has tons of money to buy me whatever I want. It's shallow but it is this or being homeless. Mr. Stark told everyone else about me after he told me, they didn't take it well but he convinced them to help."

She could've been homeless, never even thought of that.

"Yeah I'm the only one." she took a long pause as her hair drifted to the side, "I would prefer not answering the last question. To sum up though it sucks."

I should probably change the subject. To anything else really, "So... he can buy you anything?"

She laughed very small, "Yeah but all I've asked for is some food and this room."

"You should ask for a phone, might be useful."

"That's a good idea if I had anyone to contact. I'm going to be stuck up here for most of the summer. Downstairs training for the other part of it."

"Well if I was ever stuck in my room without anywhere else to go, I would listen to music. And you could... well that's probably a stupid idea."


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