Chapter Eighteen

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We had all just finished eating and I was still nervous around her. We had both gotten dressed for the day and as I promised, I was going to show her around Queens. I put my suit on under my sweater just in case of anything happens. "You ready?" I asked standing out by the door. 

"Yeah let's go!"

We rushed past crowds of people as I was pulling her arm along. I looked back at her every once and awhile and saw he taking in the buildings and people. We stopped in front of Delmar's, my favorite sandwich shop in all of Queen's. "Hey! Mr. Delmar can you get two number fives with extra pickles and smush it down real flat? Thanks."

"Ahh anything for you Mr. Parker. And uh who's your girlfriend?"

"Hi I'm Annabelle, nice shop."

"Finalmente tiennes novia. Ella es demasiado bonita para ti."

"What did he say?" she asked me.

"Nothing" I whispered back, "Ella no es mi novia. Se amable!" I really hope she doesn't know Spanish. 

We got our sandwiches which she loved, because they are obviously the best sandwiches in Queens. Our hands just touched each other as we were walking but I don't think she noticed. Our hands kept doing that, I couldn't even focus on where we were walking, I kept trying to figure out if she was dong that on purpose or not. "Hey Peter where are we going?"

"Huh? Oh right! See that train? That's where we are going."

"We are taking a train somewhere?"

"Nope. I'll show you." I turned down and alleyway and shoved my clothes into the backpack I was holding. She looked really confused but seemed to understand it better when she saw the suit I was wearing underneath. "Ready?" I asked taking her arm and pulling her close to me. 

"For what?" I shot a web into the air and started swinging towards the train station. She was yelling a bit at first but then she calmed down. The train station guys let me in, cause I'm Spider-man. I tell them that she's with me so she doesn't need a pass. Instead of going in the train like she expects, we hop on the top of it.  "This is crazy, what if I fall off when the train starts going faster? I'm not super sticky."

"Yeah that's what webs are for."

"Oh no you better not-" I webbed her up like a seat belt. "Okay this is less gross than I thought it would be." 

"This is the best way to show you the city in my opinion. Swinging is fun and all, but I get dizzy after awhile."

"I gotta admit this is pretty cool. I don't think I've ever been literally on a train." Anna cleaned off her glasses so she could see better then looked back at me, "So, how are you doing I feel like all we ever do is talk about me. And all the while my narcissistic side loves that, I wanna hear about you."

"I'm pretty boring, nothing is really going on with me."

"Yeah you're very boring." her hands motioned around the train and my suit, " What's your Spider sense all about? Like how does it work?"

"I can just sense when things are wrong or if something is flying at me. Like a fish. Fish have that sense too." I squeezed my eyes shut, "That was a stupid thing to say..." 

Surprisingly she laughed, "No it's cool! So do you ride the train everyday, the guys back there seemed to know you pretty well."

"Yeah being Spider-man has it's perks. I'm kind of a celebrity." I boasted, she shook her head laughing. "So what do you think of Queens so far?"

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