Chapter Twenty One

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"Hey Peter?"


"Would you rather be a main character or a side character?" Annabelle asked adjusting her seat belt around so it wasn't scratching her neck. 

"Umm I don't know. Main character I guess it depends on the genre. What about you?"

"Side character."


"Everything really bad happens to the main character, side characters usually have the coolest death scenes, best sense of humor, and are the audience's favorite. OH and they are super wise, have everything figured out in life. Gives the best advise."

Peter looked a little disappointed by his answer given he actually didn't think it through as much as Anna did during the ride over to the Tower. "Main character is a good option too, depending on your reasoning." she comforted.

"I didn't really have a reason, didn't really think about my answer to be honest. Can I ask you a question?" she nodded, "What's it like having the hulk as your therapist?"

"He's not my therapist. I'm calling it friendly counseling. But it's cool, I think he's been helping me with remembering things."

"You going to tell him about the nightmare?"

Annabelle's mind drifted to her vivid dream of desperately trying to run into a building while a hailstorm was overhead. "I think so? I haven't really thought about telling him. I don't think it really matters but it might be nice to get it off my mind."

She said goodbye to Peter as she carried in her suitcase and Happy carried in the rest. She took the stairs up leaving her suitcase with another one of the security guards to carry up. By the time she made it up the stairs Mr. Stark and Pepper had already known she had arrived. 

"Hey Annabelle!" Mrs. Potts ran up to her wearing stiletto heels first bending down to give her a hug. 

"Hey kid." Mr. Stark nodded then took a few steps forward. "No bruises, that's a good sign."

"Yep came back here all in one piece."

"What you want a medal?"

"If they make them I think I'm entitled to one."

"I'll look into it."

"As you should."

Mrs. Potts stood there watching the awkward yet tense interaction between the two. Tony patted her on the shoulder then went to pour himself a drink. Thor was the next to greet her, enveloping Annabelle in a big bear hug nearly crushing her to death. Natasha also walked up and found her there being slightly annoyed nobody told her she was back and gave her a  chill high five. 

After getting all of her stuff settled in she thought about what Peter said and how she should tell Dr. Banner about what happened in her nightmare. The group never made a decision to not tell her the whole "your parents are dead" thing, but nobody was willing to step up and tell her. Bucky was the most eager to tell her when he found out, Sam being a close second. Both of them felt she deserved to know and didn't think we should hide this kind of important information from her.

Everyone was excited to see her, this would be the first time they saw her since she had been kidnapped and Hydra stole some blood from her. The stolen blood would also explain why her legs were shaking when Peter found her along with the anxiety.

Dr. Banner did go up to her room to visit her and greet her back, along with check her hand which had a scar right under the ring finger where the dampener had been inserted. A doctor with somewhere around 5 phd's put some Aquaphor on it along with a pink band-aid. "So how does it feel to be back?"

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