Chapter Twenty Three

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A/N: Sorry I haven't been posting as much, back to school has just started for me.

Continuation of Chapter Twenty Two

Maybe I am fine. Nothing is physically wrong with me. I've got shelter, food, money, what's not to love about my life? I'm perfectly okay. No I'm more than okay. I am fan-bloody-tastic. Got a little British there but still.

I couldn't help but wonder who I should talk to. I would love to call up Betty but she would tell Ned, who would guilt Peter, who would get mad at me for not telling him how it bothered me that he was with Liz in the first place.

Who I really wanna talk to is Cora. Ever since that one memory a week ago it's like a tidal wave of memories. She is, or was, my best friend. Thinking of her now though makes me miss my home and I can't think about that yet.

Everything is fine, I'm fine.

Natasha helped me throw the trash down the garbage shoot as I tried to focus on how happy Peter is and I should be. I was actually doing pretty well with it until she pushed, "Couldn't help but overhear your conversation with Peter in the hallway."

That strung, right in the eyes. I quickly turned away to look through the higher cabinets filled with cereal boxes so she couldn't see my eyes that were so close to crying. It was like a band-aid is mending a crack in a dam of tears. It's a really strong band aid hopefully. "Peter seemed happy, think he liked the various holiday decorations?" I tried changing the topic.

"You know I've been trained by several top of the line interrogators. I could major in manipulation and could tell you 15 different ways you gave away how much you like him."

"I'm sorry who?"

"Stop trying to fool me kid."

"If you listened in on the conversation, you would know why this would be the last thing I would want to talk about right now."

"That's a lie, you love talking. Just not about things that hurt. You overshare because it makes you feel less alone, but also refuse to talk about serious things because it's to hard for you to handle."

"You know you would make a great therapist. You should ask Dr. Banner for like an internship or something."

"Changing the subject, getting defensive. You know you can talk to me right? No judgement." I kept staring up at the various cereal boxes. I wonder if Cookie Crisp is any good, who ever made the concept behind it is a genius. Literal cookies in milk, but still keeps it's crunch. Captain Crunch is good, I love how it tastes but it's the worst soggy cereal. Given any cereal is bad when it's soggy but it just gives off something else. "Anna you can't bottle this up."

"The only thing I am bottling up, is my hunger. And he took all the leftovers because I let my guard down for two god damn seconds. You were there, counting down. I was so close and he knew what he was doing. Freaking dropped Liz's name like I wasn't going to react. Of course I'm going to react! She stayed with the douche who groped my ass at a party for weeks before she dumped him or he dumped her... Who even knows! Do I want Peter to go out with her? No of course not! She's so pretty and I understand where he's coming from- Wait no I actually don't get it. Because she treats him like garbage until she breaks up with her boyfriend and no one finds that weird?"

I take a deep breath in and continue with my voice faltering slightly, "And I'm just as manipulative as she is because I stayed friends with him, flirted a little even if he didn't notice. Put on a cute ass outfit when I went to his house. I set up this whole party for him. But who does he hang up the phone on when she calls? Me. Every single time. Maybe I'm being insensitive because this is his first girlfriend or whatever. And maybe this is hypercritical because I told him I wouldn't date anyone from this universe, but I'm human. I got attached. And-"

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