Chapter Three

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Peter Parker's POV

"Ned it's summer, shouldn't we be like partying doing normal teenage things."

"Your fricking Spiderman," he yelled over the mic in my ear, "Me being you guy behind the computer is the best way I can think of spending the summer."

"But Ned there is nothing happening...and this suit is getting really sweaty."

"Hang on I almost have a police radio signal up. Stand by Over."

"Copy that Ned." I sat on top of the roof of my building with my legs dangling over the edge. I pulled out his phone and went to Instagram scrolling through pictures until I came across my crush Liz on a date with her boyfriend Harry Osborn. They were cute together not going to lie, the cute popular girl going for the star footballer. It just really sucked seeing them together sometimes. 

"Oh shhhhhhoooot Ned. Ned. Ned. NED!" I swung back down into my room where he was on the computer "Ned I was going through Liz's insta and I liked an old picture how do I undo it?"

"Shit. I don't know!"

"What's going on in there?" I heard my Aunt yell. I quickly took of my suit and wrapped a blanket around me like a cloak, "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, everything's fine."

"Peter liked a photo on instagram but it was old so now he has to undo it without Liz knowing." 

"Unlike it quickly, she probably won't even notice. That girl gets hundreds of likes a day. How old was the photo?"

"A couple weeks I think?"

"Yeah just unlike it. Do you boys want some Ramen, I have some on the stove?" she looked down at my suit, "Peter tell me that you aren't patrolling after 9."

Busted, "Umm I'm not?"

"Peter we talked about this, you can keep doing your spidey thing as long as you don't do it after curfew. 9 on weekdays. 12 on weekends. Say it."

"C'mon don't make me say-"

"Say it." I pulled a sweatshirt over my head mumbling the phase back to her, "Good. Ned you're parents know you are staying the night right?"

"Yeah they know. Can I have some of that Ramen too May?"

"Of course sweetie." she left the room as I collapsed on the bottom bunk.

"You still like Liz, even after she rejected you and got together with that dick-for-a-brain?" as much as he intended for that to sound good, dissing the new boyfriend, just made me feel worse that she would pick him over me. I used to be friends with Harry too, like back in elementary school where you can really be friends with anyone. He was a jerk then too, smashed my Lego skyscraper.

"I still like her. I've liked her for a couple years now. She will dump him, and if she doesn't then I will be there for her anyways."

"Yeah as her tutor-slash-backup man" I pounded the bunk above mine where Ned was talking, "Sorry to give you the hard truth, just think you deserve better."

"There isn't anyone better." I heard my phone go off but it sounded like an alarm I looked to see what it was, "Ned. Mr. Stark is calling me."

"He is calling you. Are you sure it's him?" I just stare at the screen as Ned climbs down from the top bunk.

"Yeah look!" Ned looked at the phone to see a selfie of me with him. He never calls me, usually it is Happy, something is probably wrong with my suit. Orrrr he picked up me trying to hack a police scanner using a computer he gave me.

Crossing Realities- Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now