Chapter Eight

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"Comm check do you have eyes on Anna?"

"Annabelle is entering the house with Spiderman."

"Is he touching her?"

"No Tony he isn't."

"Phew okay friend zoned."

Tony sat in a parked car a few blocks away on coms with Bucky. Peter and Annabelle arrived with Aunt May in her car. Anna finally got to meet Ned inside.

"Hey you're Ned right? I'm Annabelle."

"Yeah I know Peter's told me a LOT about you. It's so awesome to meet you." he gave her a hug as she nervously laughed a little confused, "Oh I'm sorry, is hugging like not a thing in you're universe?"

"No it's a thing, just not used to people being this friendly."

"Okay, she hugged some guy and she is moving towards the dance floor. I have not been recognized." Bucky reported.

"Who did she hug?"

"One of Peter's friends. Ted I think."

Some random dude offered Anna a drink but she declined it as the guy went to offer it to someone else. Peter stayed with her feeling just as, if not more, nervous being at a party. DJ Flash made the lights flash colors of purple and green to the beat of some remixed techno song. Anna talked with Peter by the couch trying to convince him that she will be fine on her own without a chaperone.

"Looks like we got a hottie in the hoooUUSe! What's your name sweetheart in the blue dress?"

"Annabelle!" she yelled back from across the room.

"How about you stay for the after party at my place." Bucky almost engaged but fell back. 

The crowd jeered as she replied "Yeah no thanks." as she continued walking in the opposite direction. 

Flash kept going, "C'mon baby you know you want to"

"Sorry I don't go out with guys who call themselves Flash." despite the weak comeback, the party turned to Flash picking on him saying things like he just got burned/rejected/owned. Flash turned on some classic songs and got the crowd in his favor again.

Annabelle took Peter's hand out to the pool feeling eyes watching her as she looked across the room to see Bucky in a navy baseball cap. Anna led Peter into the pool house where luckily no one was using it as the designated make out spot.

"I cannot believe you said that to Flash" Peter laughed. 

"Well he deserved it, who asks a person out like that? He was setting himself up for failure, but got to admire his persistence."

"So what are we doing in the pool house? Is everything okay?"

"Oh right um, you see that guy in the baseball cap and glasses who is obviously not a high school student?" Peter nodded, "Yeah I think Tony sent him as my chaperone. Look he's touching his earpiece right now."

"I thought I was your chaperone?" Peter whispered offended.

"Yeah so did I. Sorry I dragged you out here, just wanted to hide from him for a little bit. Everyone's watching me all the time, I just feel a little... ya know?"

"Claustrophobic?" she nodded slumping down on the couch, "I don't understand that to your extent but, I get it." 

She took a couple deep breaths, "Lets get back to the party, I don't wanna take you away from the fun."

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