22.New People

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"Mason!" Daryl calls over to me. A little after Rick asked me about Carl. I walk over slowly trying to irritate him.
"Did you lie to Rick?" He asks crossing his arms.
"What!?" He grabs my arm and pulls me away from everybody. We walk around the corner to some bleachers. I jerk out of his grip and try to walk back towards the others. He grabs my arms before I get to far,so I can't really move.
"Daryl let me go!"
"No, Calm down." He says not even yelling at me which is surprising. After a few minutes of me trying to get away from him I just give up lean back into Daryl's arms. He leads me over to sit down and looks at me for a long time. Usually I'm not able to keep eye contact with him when he's upset with me, but today I don't look away from him. I don't know if he's gonna say something or not, and I'm about to get up.
"What's the matter with you. You've been acting like a spoiled little girl all day."
"I'm not a little girl!"
"Then stop acting like it... you want people to treat you like a grown up you can't be storming around throwing tantrums when you don't get your way."
    I open my mouth to try to defend myself but end up closing it when I realize I have nothing to say.
"Listen we won, but some of the adults are going to look for the ones that got away. You're going to..."
"Are you going to kill them?"
"I don't know... but it won't be in cold blood."
"Carl didn't-"
"Mason!" Daryl barks, and it's enough to shut me up.
"You don't have to keep saying that, we all k ow the truth. Carl did not have to kill that kid."
"What about Randall."
"What about him?"
"You were all just gonna kill him!"I yell
"After he tried to kill some of us!" He yells back.
"And the governors guy didn't?!" He doesn't say anything to that.
"How is this any different?" I say quietly.
"What did Lori tell you before she died?" I flinch back as if he's slapped me.
"How did you-"
"Maggie told me."
"Masie, I want you to think about that... what Lori would want. Would she have wanted Carl or you to kill that boy?"
"Would she have wanted to die?!"
"Mason!" He stands up.
"Would she have? Bad things happen Daryl!" I yell, standing up too.
"Don't try to use Lori's word against me!" He looks away and I try to leave, but he grabs my arm.
"No!" I hit his chest as hard as I can trying to get away.
"Daryl!" I hear Rick yells
"We gotta go!" Daryl looks at me.
"I'll be back, I want you to go in the cell block and wait for us."
"Cause I told you to," He says not yelling but pretty loud. I huff and storm past him, and walk into the cell block.

(Daryl's POV)
    I don't know what has gotten into that girl.
"Carol!" I call over to her. She makes her way over to me.
"What's up?"
"It's Masie."
"What about her?"
"I don't know what's wrong with her, but there's something bugging her. Could you... it's just your a girl and maybe she needs someone like you to talk to."
"Someone like me?"
"I didn't mean it like that... It's just I'd think you'd understand her more than anybody else." I say rubbing the back of my neck nervously. Carol shakes her head and chuckles.
"You'd better go with the others, I'll talk to her when I get a chance. I think it's best to let her be for a while."
"You're probably right, Thanks."
"You're welcome."

(Mason's POV)
       I can't help but feel kinda bad for how I treated Daryl. I was being a jerk, but I'm done being weak. They've been gone for a while. I saw Carol and Daryl talking and it was probably about me.ive stayed inside because I'm honestly not quite brave enough to directly defy Daryl.
"Their back!" Carl yells to everyone in the cell block and I sprint towards the door. I walk out to see a whole group of people coming off a bus.
"What's this?!" Carl looks at me.
"I have no idea, how are we gonna feed all of these people?"
"And why are we helping them?" Carl asks angrily.
"Mika?!" I see her, her dad, and sister getting off the bus.
"What are y'all doing here?!"
"Your dad's group saved us, the governor went mad."
"He always was crazy," She shrugs.
"None of us thought so at first, I'm sorry we didn't see it."
"Well it's nice to have a friend here."
"Ouch?" Carl says, I forgot he was standing beside me.
"I mean a girl, you don't get us."
"I do to." Mika and I just laugh.
"I gotta go talk to my dad. Have fun playing with dolls or painting your nails." He says just to annoy me.
"Shut up Carl." I shove him, and he laughs and walks away. Carol walks over and smiles,
"Masie, who is this?"
"My friend Mika, she helped hide me when I got kidnapped. That is Lizzie her sister, and her dad. he's single." I nudge her and whisper the last part in her ear.
"Look at them!" Lizzie says excitedly. We all turn to see what she means.
"All that's there is walkers." I say confused.
"I know isn't it cool."
"Dad, can we go see them?" She asks like a little kid asking to go into a toy shop.
"Absolutely not. That's too dangerous."
"But there's a fence," She begs.
"Maybe later, but let's get settled in for now."
"Awww." She says looking down.
"What's wrong with you?" I ask totally dumbfounded.
"Mason, they're are guests. Be nice," Carol scolds. I scoff and walk away, but turn to Mika.
"See you later."
"Bye!" She says sweetly.

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