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I wake up and hear some commotion coming from downstairs. I get up and walk down the steps rubbing the sleep out of my tired eyes.
"Daryl?" I call out
"Him and Merle are a bit busy." Carol comes over to me.
"Why don't you get some food?"
"You don't have to ask me twice!" I take a seat next to Beth, Judith, and Carl.
"Carl you need a hair cut."
"I'm growing it out."
"Just a trim?"
"I don't think so." He argues back.
"Beth? Don't you do some of that?"
"Yeah, a little."
"You should cut Carl's." I say winking at Carl and he smirks.
"I'd be willing," She says with a shrug.
"Well, maybe a little trim." He concedes a bit too willingly, and nods at me as a small thanks. I smirk while trying not to choke on my granola bar.
"Judith goes down for a nap in an hour, how about then?" Beth smiles sweetly at Carl. And he blushes like there's no tomorrow.
"Works for me." He says shrugging and trying to play it off cool... I choke on my granola bar.

I'm walking around outside cause I want Carl to have some time with Beth. Even though I might get a good laugh at the situation. "Where are you going?" I ask Daryl as I see him and some others come out of the building.
"We're going hunting," He emphasizes, I smile.
"Merle's gonna come to." I shrug even though I'm nervous about that I know Daryl won't let him hurt me, and I have my weapons back. I'm glad I get to do something, case Carl, Rick, and Michonne all left early this morning to look for supplies.
"So where is he?" I ask right before I hear a car pulling up and Merle driving. I give Daryl a puzzled look as him and Merle switch places and Merle hops in the passenger seat.
"Get in," Is all Daryl says.
"I thought we were going hunting?" He smirks
"In a way... get in." I get in. I get in with a confused/suspicious face. I look around and see my big backpack I use for runs there. I look up and see Daryl looking at me through the rear view mirror.
"Buckle." I cant help but smile, and do it. And we leave the gates, destination unknown.

     We've been traveling for forever.
"I thought we were going hunting?" I say when I see we're nowhere near woods, but in a town.
"We are... for clothes. You're shoes are too small, I noticed you had blisters yesterday, and your clothes need to be better for summer, it's too hot for long sleeves, and something else."
"Its a surprise," He says as he stops the car. We get out and Merle starts walking one direction and Daryl the other.
"Come with me."
"What about..."
"Now." Daryl says without even turning around. I sigh and follow him.
We go up to what looks like used to be a nice store. Daryl take up his bow and I grab my slingshot, that Michonne managed to save from Woodbury.
"Ready?" Daryl asks.
"Ready." He opens the door and we both swing in and look in each direction.
"Where are the walkers?" I ask after a few seconds of dead silence... no pun intended.
"The bell should have drawn a few out?"
"We ain't to far from Atlanta... I bet most people went looking for shelter there. But be careful still, there could be stragglers."
"I will."
We look around and I see the candy rack and can't help but grab what little is left. I see some beef jerky and grab that too. I hear something coming from a room on left I grab my knife out and kick the door open. I smile when I see it's just a stray cat. I almost throw up when I walk in the room.
"Daryl?" I call out the door and he comes in. There's a person with a knife in his head, it smells awful. I hold my breath, walk in the room, and take out the knife.
"It's a weapon." I shrug as Daryl smirks at me.
"Your getting smarter."
I'm pretty sure I'm blushing, but I brush past him and go to the shorts. I make sure he's not near me and try on a few pairs till I find a size that fits me, and then I grab the three pairs in my size. I go to the shirts and get some random colors that won't stick out in the woods. I grab Carl a few shirts I think will fit him fine, and I get Beth a brush I see on the floor. She'll appreciate that, I hear her complaining about hers. I see baby stuff and toys, and make a trip over I smile and grab a few stuff animals and a rattle.
"Masie... try these on." Daryl says handing me two pairs of boots and a pair of tennis shoes. The smaller of the boots fit better and the tennis shoes are comfortable, but I definitely have room to grow.
Daryl pulls out a list,
"Rick asked me to grab Carl some shoes and socks. I'll grab you some too."
"Thanks," I say grabbing a stack of four soft blankets off the shelf and shove them into my bag... it can barely zip, but I manage. I walk over to Daryl in my comfortable new boots. He tosses me some kind of cream.
"The pharmacy was pretty worked over, but that'll do."
"For what?"
"Your blisters, they looked like they may be infected."
"Oh thanks." He grunts, and I run over to where soaps should be. I see a few odds and ends and grab them all this will make everyone happy.
I look around and see plastic store bags that say 'Fosters's' on them and I put my stuff in them. And grab it I run into and isle and grab some bandages, a few pain killers they still have, and leave to find Daryl when I remembered something important. I run back to the clothes and grab a package of underclothes. And I even grab some that are a few sizes bigger for Beth. It will be better if she doesn't have to ask Rick or any of the guys for them.
"Mason, we got to go now."
"Okay I'm coming,"
I follow Daryl out the door and to the car. Merle's already there.
"So I have something to tell you, and you can't hold a grudge, then we'll be even.
"Even for what?"
"For leaving me. You can't get mad."
"What'd you do?" Daryl asks.
"Well nothing really, it was a while ago... well I guess I just have to come out and say it... I know how to swim." I smirk and jump in the car before they can say anything.


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