14.The Farm...Again

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(Mason's POV)

I spent the night in an abandoned house, I even found a bunch of food... it was dog food, but beggars can't be choosers. I even have extra, yummy. I must be getting close cause I recognize some things from the night I drove here with Glenn. I miss him a lot, he was kinda like the fun uncle that let me do what I wanted.     
     I smile when I realize I see the torn down fence, and then frown when I remember the reason they are torn down. When I look up I see what used to be the beautiful old farmhouse. The only thing left is the foundation... barely. There is random stuff lying around, the barn and shed are completely gone. I didn't know how bad it was. I start to walk forward it's a struggle with all the weeds, but I make it to where the door used to be I sigh and decide that I need to find a place to sleep before dark. Hopefully the horde didn't take down every house around here. I turn around to leave when I hear a rustle in the weeds behind me. I pull out my knife and prepare for the fight. When I hear a low growl I decide maybe I should just run in case there are more. When I hear a bark I stop dead in my tracks, and turn around. I almost scream with joy when I see the most beautiful German Shepherd looking at me with big brown eyes.

(Daryl's POV)

I go to Masie's cell and see how bare it looks. I want to be mad at her for running off, but how could I, I left her first. I'm about to walk out when something under her pillow catches my eye. I lift it up and pick up the paper. I can't help but be angry when I read the note. Who would just leave their kid with a monster like that. I look at the picture and almost drop it when I see Mason and the lady I'm guessing was her mother. No way.

(Mason's POV)

     "Apollo?!" He barks at me, and picks up a random stick and runs towards me almost plowing me over in excitement.
"What are you...? How are you...? Wait, you waited here for me for almost a year?!" He barks as if trying to confirm my answer. I grip him in a tight hug and kiss his dirty and long matted coat of hair. He grabs my pant leg and pulls me. I follow him and see a tent sitting an awful far way out and I realize the walkers didn't even go as far as where Daryl and I moved to. I laugh and run with him, being careful to make sure nothing is hidden in the y'all weeds. I stop and listen at the door and when I don't hear anything I peek inside and see it just how we left it sleeping bags and everything.
"Wait boy, there's something I need to to do." I go to the field and pick as many wild flowers as I can gather, and go to Sophia and Dale's graves. I gently lay the flowers on the plots and stay for a few minutes soaking  in the silence.
    I go back to the tent, and zip it up behind me. I lay down on Daryl's sleeping bag and I can't help the few tears that slip out. I do miss them all so much. Luckily I'm a light sleeper and Apollo wouldn't let anything or anybody hurt us.
The door of the tent unzips and I almost scream when the governor comes and pulls me out of the tent by the back of my collar.
"How did you find me?!"
"I'll always find you." I look and see my group all dead, and then Daryl beaten up and the governor sticks some kind of sword on his neck. The governor raises the sword high and is about to swing it down.

I wake up thrashing and my throat is raw, my guess is from screaming. How could I leave them knowing full well that the governor was going to attack. They need all the help they can get.
"Come on boy." The sun is just starting to peak above the trees and the faster I leave the faster I can get there.

    I get there and stay hidden, the fence is torn down and there's walkers in the courtyard. What happened?! I go to the edge of the forest and try to think of a plan when I see someone walking with two walkers chained up. The persons suddenly lets go and runs to the gate. That's when I see Rick and some of the others it looks like they are arguing but they soon let her in. Well, I guess I could practice my aim. I grab some sharp rocks and my slingshot, aim, and fire. I take out a few walkers close to me the others are too far away though. I smile when I realize that I caught Carl's attention. He points at me and yells to Rick. I can't help but smile and wave. I can faintly see Rick's smile.
After a few minutes the gate opens and a car drives out I smile when I realize it's Glenn. I'm glad he's feeling better.
    The car stops and I jump in. Letting Apollo get in too. Glenn looks surprised,
"Thanks Glenn, it's good to be back." I smirk and he laughs.
"Sorry Mase, I'm glad your back. But first of all... what were you thinking?!"
"Sorry, I needed time, but I got my dog back isn't that great?!"
"Don't change the subject. Please never do that again."
"I won't, you're stuck with me." I smile.
"Good, cause if you do it again..."
"I won't, besides what would you do?"
"I'd... well... just don't do it again." I laugh at his speechlessness.
     We pull up and the gate opens. I jump out of the car, well more like I'm pushed by the huge beast that evidently hates car rides. It's probably cause he hasn't been in one in a while. I can't help but smile when Carl comes over and opens his arms to me. I hug him and point to my dog.
"No way?!"
"I think he waited for me, at the farm."
"You saw the farm?"
"It wasn't much of a farm anymore." He looks down.
"I Where's Rick?"
"Right here." I hear a familiar voice say behind me. I smile but look down,
"I'm sorry I left, I...."
"Hey don't worry about it your back." I smile, "Who was the person who just got here?"
"Andrea... speaking of which I need to go back in there."
"Does she know I'm here?"
"Nobody inside does and we need to keep it that way, I hear you had a run in with the governor."
"You could say that... he's nuts."
"It's better if Andrea doesn't know, that way there's no way the governor will know."
"Yeah, Andrea and I aren't on the best terms."
He hands me my knife,
"I know." I smirk and he ruffles my hair.
"Come on lets go where she won't see us." Carl says.
"You should go inside so everything looks normal."
"You're right..."
"I'm good, just let me know when she leaves."
"You betcha... and I'm really glad your back, it's been boring."
"I'm happy to be back."

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