30. Accidents Happen

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    "Hershel we need you, it's Mason!" Rick shakes him awake. He stumbles out of his cell still in a bit of a tired stupor.

    He comes to a bit more when he sees the limp figure of everyone's favorite optimist.

"What happened?" He inquires as I put Masie on the bunk where he had been sleeping.

"We think she was sleepwalking...." I start to explain. I rub her sweaty forehead before Herschel takes my place by giving me a small push towards the door.

"Did you wake her?" Herschel cuts me off, looking up at us.

"We had to, She started screaming and fighting us." Rick defends.

"Is that gonna hurt something?" I ask.

"Go get doc. S" he says ignoring the question.

"Is it?!..."

"Go now!" He says snapping at the fact he is being ignored, and giving me and Rick another push.

I don't make anything out of it seeing as the cell is so crammed with three men and a oversized mutt.

"I got it." Rick assures and takes off for cell block D, but gets stopped by Hershel.

"Rick tell him what happened he'll know what to get." He gives a sharp nod and takes off again.

I walk back in the cell as Herschel is checking her pulse and breathing.
"Do you know what you're doing?"

"No." He doesn't even try to lie.

"I don't think it's serious, but I want Doc S to take a look."

"Go get me some cool water, and get the dog out of here he's in the way."

Easier said than done. When I try to call Apollo he just looks at me as if daring me to try something. I reach out to grab him instead and he actually hits my hand with his paw. If the situation weren't serious I may have laughed.

"Apollo!" He just turns his back to me and sits down.

"Hey!" I go to grab him again but he slips away and jumps in the bed with Mason.

Hershel can't even help but chuckle.
"Just as stubborn as his owner. Forget it, go get the water."

I run to get it not wanting to leave Masie for too long. I vaguely hear Rick and Doc S. Coming through the common room that connects to the cell block.

    "Daryl." He greets.

   "Where's my favorite patient?" He says not at all concerned with the situation. It gives me relief but at the same time anger. With what I just saw it doesn't seem like he is taking this serious.

He quiets down once sensing my irritation. I just give a head jerk so he follows me.

     Once in the cell Doc. S puts his bag on the table and switches places with Hershel. He gets to work at checking her pulse again, and uses the cold water to put a compress on her forehead. He asks Rick and I a few basic questions to get a feel for any damage she may have caused herself.

   "Alright start at the beginning." He says turning to Rick and I.

    We tell him everything we know and that's not much.

    "We didn't want to wake her up, but we had no choice. Is that gonna cause any issues?" Rick asks.

  "No, it's more of a precaution not to wake a sleepwalker they will lash out and might hurt themselves, but as you explained it seems she was already on the track to hurting herself. You're sure she didn't hit her head or anything?" He asks for the fifth time.

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