13.Why Would I stay?

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       We got back to the prison, and all I can think about is how he left me. I know exactly what's gonna happen next for me, I thought about it in the car. As soon as we get back I'm leaving, for good. Maybe I can go back to Hershel's farm. I know nothing is probably left, but I can hope that maybe there will be another farmhouse I can take over around there, there's bound to be. I put all my stuff in my backpack and grab a few granola bars and two bottles of water. Of course I have all my weapons back on me, I guess Michonne found them for me. I have to wait for night, it'll be dangerous cause it's dark,but maybe I can find a car. I remember Scott teaching me how to siphon gas so we didn't have to pay for gas, and Daryl taught me how to drive so I can get by.
As we eat dinner I see everybody giving me the side eye and looks of pity. Carol looks distraught, Carl sits beside me quietly. I can't take it anymore I get up and go to the cell passing by all of Daryl's stuff. I grab a knife with his initials in it. He isn't coming back for it... or me. Everybody is starting to turn in, all I have to do is make it down the stairs past all the sleeping bodies, and past the outside guard. Rick may be walking around too. Hopefully they didn't make Michonne sleep in the room close to the door.
I write a quick note saying I'm leaving, but nothing else that will give away where I am, then I look down the stairs, and see everybody turning in. The stairs creak loud, and Rick looks out of his cell, but it's to dark to see anybody.
"Who's there?!"
"It's just me I gotta go to the bathroom, and do you mind if I move to one of the cells down here tonight I already have my stuff?"
"Of course... do you want me to help you set it up?"
"No!" I say too fast.
"No no that's alright don't let me be a bother..."
"You aren't a bother, Mason I know you don't think you can trust anybody, but you can trust me, I won't let you done." But I'll let you down I think to myself.
"Goodnight Rick."
     I wait till he sighs and goes back to his cell before I leave out the door. Luckily Michonne isn't in her usual spot and I make it out the door. Now to sneak past the outside guard. Luckily I'm able to sneak right out the hole in the fence. I patch it back up once I'm out. I don't want any walkers getting in while there sleeping. I take the map out of my bag, and circle where I remember the farm was, and start walking.

     I can't believe I left her, she trusted me and I let her down. The look of betrayal she had as I left. I had the same look when Merle left me for the army. Merle and I had it out already, and I came to my senses. I can't leave my family, especially Mason. At first I didn't want her, but now I know I need her. I can't even think why I just feel like we belong together. She was one of two people who new about the scars, now Merle knows, but I couldn't care less anymore about who knows. I just need my kid back.

(Mason's POV)

        It's getting light out thankfully, I slept a few hours in a tree. I tied myself in my blanket up so I wouldn't fall. Luckily for me there are some rivers that I can fill up my water bottles. I realized I haven't used my slingshot in a long time cause I'm a little rusty with it, I missed my breakfast by about a foot. By my calculations I should be about a days walk away from the farm, or where the farm used to be. I reach in my pocket and almost cry... almost. My picture, and note aren't there. I remember I left them under my pillow, how could I be so stupid! I'm never gonna get that back, cause I'm never going back there.

(Daryl's POV)

      I'm so relieved when I don't see Mason out when I get back. A governor attack seems like something Mason would jump right out to fight at. I'm making sure the others are okay.
     Once everything is a little more calm I ask what I've been wondering the minute I walked through the gate.
"Rick where's Mason?" His lack of reply frustrates me, but when he hands me a note it scares me.
  'Dear Rick, Please don't be mad or feel responsible for me. I'm sorry I couldn't look out for Judith like Lori would've wanted, but I must not be a good person cause nobody wants me. Tell everybody bye from me, maybe we'll meet again eventually. I hope the governor leaves you alone, if Daryl didn't leave he wouldn't want to back down... he'd fight. I'm okay but I'm not gonna get left behind again. It's my turn to leave.    Stay alive for everyone, Mason'
    "No... she didn't..."
"She's been gone since last night sometime. I should've checked on her, I'm so sorry Daryl."
"It's not your fault, it's mine I shouldn't have left her. I shouldn't have left any of you."
"Daryl I know you want to find her, but..."
"She's smart, she'll be okay for a few days. We have a war to fight. It's what Mason would want me to do. Merle told me what happened in Woodbury. The governor thought she was his daughter Penny. It's probably a good thing she's not here when he comes back."
"Yeah, I just hope she's okay."
"She's Mason, that kid's been through a lot she'll be just fine."



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