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       "Mason keep up," Daryl barks. He's gotten a lot more bossy, since we all almost died on the farm. My sight came back slowly, but my migraines are becoming pretty regular.
I run with him and the others out of the abandoned farmhouse and get into a car with a very pregnant Lori. She's been really grumpy but she's trying to be calm.
"Daryl where are we going now?"
"Don't know, stay quiet stay alert." I grunt my answer.
"Your hanging around me too much," he smirks. I nod and watch him walk to his bike. He lets me ride with him sometimes, it helps with my headaches. The breeze is better than a stuffy car.
My gun that I got back is in my waistband. Ever since the farm it hasn't been an argument whether I can keep it or not, it was an understanding. My knives are in my belt that Glenn grabbed for me. Glenn's more than a friend he's like my brother, and Rick's like my dad. Of course Lori is basically my mom. I've never called her it, but I almost accidentally did.
"Hey we're gonna stop to make a plan," Rick let's us know. He sends me and Carl to keep watch so him and the adults can talk.
     After a few minutes Daryl calls me over,
"Me and Rick are goin hunting be safe, listen to Lori, and stay focused."
"Alright Daryl, be careful." He nods his head and grunts. I sit on the top of the car and watch north, while Carl sit opposite of me looking South. I hear a twig snap, and see a small rabbit. My throwing has gotten almost perfect, so it's not hard to take down the small prey.
I jump down from the car, and retrieve our soon to be dinner. Maggie smiles at me and takes the rabbit with a nod of thanks. I'm careful to keep the dead meat away from Laurie I'll she'll probably throw up, that'd just be nasty.
"When do you think Daryl will be back?" I ask Maggie.
"No way of knowing sweetheart. You shouldn't worry Daryl's a grown man he can take care of himself.
"I guess I'll let him think that." I smirk and she laughs and walks away.  
      I go over to sit with Lori, and fidget with the bracelet Sophia gave me. She puts her arm around me and I lean on her big stomach.
"Did you sleep at all last night?"
"Yeah," I lie. She ruffles my hair.
"Me neither." I scoff, and hold the hand she offers me.

        "Their back!" Carl says shaking me awake. I jump up and run to find Daryl and Rick. I go and listen quietly. Daryl made a rule that I had to be dead quiet when the adults were talking otherwise I wouldn't be aloud to listen to the next conversation... it sucks.
     "Everybody Listen Daryl and I found somewhere we think might work for us to stay... it's a prison."
"A prison?" Carol asks in unbelief.
"Yep, it's completely fenced in, has a big court yard, nice place for us to live." Rick informs us.
"For how long?" I ask. Ever since the farm we haven't stayed in one place for more than a few days. Daryl clears his throat, a sign that tells me to put a sock in it. I sigh and he rolls his eyes.
"At least till Lori has the baby, hopefully longer." Rick says with a smile. I look down confused, all this talk about it and I still don't know anything, I mean I know it's in Lori's belly, but how? So I look at Daryl and ask one more question that makes him turn red and look uncomfortable for some reason.
"Daryl, where do baby's come from?" Everybody looks shocked, and some start to try to hide their laughs.
"Lets go, the daylight isn't gonna last forever." He says quickly, ignoring my question and looking embarrassed.
"But what about..."
"A... stork," He lets out. And Lori looks at him with amusement. I smile
"Oh that makes total sense!"
"Oh good glad to clear that up for ya, um... anymore questions?" He says scratching his head.
"Yeah, do I look that stupid to you?" He huffs and walks away fast, I roll my eyes and get in the car.

The grownups killed some walkers by the fence, but Daryl made me stay back though. Rick started yelling instructions, but I ignored him, it's not like Daryl's gonna let me do anything important. Once that happened they opened the fence, let everyone through, and then shut it behind us. I follow the others as we come to the entrance to a big open court yard. With all the fences and everything maybe we can live in there for a while.
"Masie, come here." Daryl calls, and I walk over to him. He hands me a knife attached to a stick.
"Start trying to stab some of the walkers, Don't let your fingers anywhere near the fence and walkers. Be careful, if I catch you foolin' around, I mean at all, you'll be sitting down watching everyone else do it ya hear?"
"Yes sir." He ruffles my already messed up hair and goes to hear what Rick is telling everyone else. I know Daryl's only letting me do this part cause he doesn't want me to wander off, or get in anybody's way. I turn around to see everybody going to different places to cover Rick, who's about to make a run for it.
By now I have an idea of Rick's goal, he needs to close the gate so no more walkers get in.
"Hey over here!" I start drawing walkers over to where I was, and start stabbing them. It might not be the most important job, but maybe if Daryl sees me doing this right he'll let me do the harder stuff. After a few minutes I finally hear Daryl tell us to light it up meaning Rick probably got the job done. I can't help but wonder if maybe we finally found somewhere safe?... Nah nothings safe anymore, only temporary.
DATE: 10/6/19

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