11.Hold Me Back Again, I Dare You

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      I open the door and run, well at least I try to. Andrea puts her foot in front of the door.
"Move!" I growl.
"Mason... Penny ...? Stay inside, it's past curfew." She says clearly confused.
"It's Mason, and curfew?"
"Yes curfew, nobody can go..."
"I know what a curfew is I was just wondering if you actually think I cared about it?"
"Upstairs and get ready for..." She's cut off by the sound of gunfire and yelling. I look out to see the others rescuing Glenn and Maggie. I try opening the door, but Andreas foot is still in the way. I pull out my small knife and dig it into her thigh. She lets out a scream. I feel kinda bad, but not really.
    There's smoke everywhere, but I stay and wait to see if Daryl is gonna come out of it. I see Daryl and start to run towards him. Until I'm stopped by a pair of strong arms. I scream, and turn around to see the governor.
"Penny what are you doing here? You could be hurt go back home." He starts dragging me to his house, when I don't move.
"Daryl! Help me! Daryl!" I scream as loud as I can.
"Mason?!" I hear vaguely as the governor turns around and slaps me hard enough to knock me off balance and out of consciousness.

I wake up and I'm strapped into a chair. I can tell I'm in the basement, what am I doing in here? I hear a voice behind me and cringe.
"Due to you not listening to me it looks like I'm gonna keep you down here till I can trust you."
"You'll let me go if you know what's good for you."
"Young lady I'd watch my tone and words if I were you. I have some business to take care of. " He slams the door and I'm left in the basement with growling from the walker in the cage.

I've been here for about ten minutes when I hear footsteps. My hands are red and I can feel the blisters from trying to get out of the hand straps. I start trying harder, I don't want to be in a room with him without a way to defend myself.
When the door opens I hear a woman's voice I've never heard it before.
"Oh sweetheart are you okay?" She runs to me, and starts to help me out of the straps.
"Who are you?"
"Michonne, I'm gonna get you out of here." That's when she hears the walker. She opens the cage before I can stop her, and takes the bag off of the head. She's about to put her down when we hear the governor.
"No! Don't hurt my little girls!" He has a gun, but puts it down and starts begging Michonne not to kill the little girl... hold up. Penny he thinks I'm Penny, he has her down here yet he refused to accept it. This guy is like a loony tunes rerun! I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear Michonne talk. She turns to me putting the walker in front of herself.
"Run, now!"
"Run Penny!" They say pretty much in unison. I run as fast as my legs can carry me even though I don't think either of them were gonna hurt me. Seeing as the governor still thinks I'm his daughter and the new lady thinks he kidnapped me or something... which he kinda did. I get up the stairs and get stopped by Andrea, who has her leg wrapped and a gun in her hand.
"Andrea, please let me go, you know I'm not her, I'm not Penny!"
"Don't move."
"Or what? You gonna shoot me like you shot daryl? He'd kill you if you did."
"Mason, why won't you understand? You're safe here."
"Oh yeah, I feel a whole lot safer especially with you holding a gun to my head!" I say venom lacing my voice.
"You're not leaving!"
     I don't think she would shoot me, but I'm not willing to risk it. That's when Michonne comes upstairs. And Andrea moves her gun to point it at her.
"Run." Michonne tells me and I do. I run outside. Please tell me Daryl didn't leave already... he wouldn't leave me would he? As thoughts of being abandoned again race through my head Michonne comes out of the house.
"Come on I'll take you to your people,"
"How do you know who I am, and who are you?"
"Carl told me about you. He's worried about you, said something about a promise he made?" I just smile and run with her. To the wall there's a way out, I wonder how she knows.
"you go first, but once you get on the other side lay flat on your belly and wait for me." She whispers
"Okay." I say in the same small voice.
     I do as she says and wait then I follow her to a car and we slip under it. I see Rick,Glenn, and Maggie they're all kneeling down so their hidden by the car. Except Glenn is laying down obviously in pain.
They see Michonne and move away from the line of sight of Woodbury's guards. They aim there weapons at her,
"Where were... Mason? Oh thank God!" He grabs me in a strong hug then he points a gun at Michonne again while still holding me.
"She saved me!" I whisper/yell. She and Rick argue, but I tune it out because something catches my eye, or should I say doesn't catch my eye.
"Where's Daryl?!" The lack of an answer is all I need I.
     I try to run to get back inside the walls to find Daryl.
"Hey, where do you think you're going?! Huh? Daryl would kill us and you if I let you back in there just to find him!" I try to break free of Rick's hold but my efforts are proven futile. He's too strong for me.
     I try to kick him and hit him and that's when he kneels down so we're eye level with each other. Even him on his knees he's still taller than me. He grabs my shoulders and gives me a good shake.
"Listen to me!" I stop squirming and fighting and look at him. He sees the tears forming in my eyes and his eyes soften as does his grip.
"We are gonna get him out of there."
"I can't lose him too, I can't Rick!" I plead.
"That's enough of that talk, we are not gonna lose anybody else, it's not gonna happen." He stands up and pulls me to him and addresses the others.
"We need a plan."


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