24. Learning From The Best

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         We've already eaten dinner, and I'm getting sick of all the laughing and talking. It's never so loud at this rate we'll attract every walker with in a few miles radius.

      Apollo on the other hand is loving all the company he's working his way through the crowd. When one person gets tired of petting him he comes over to me to make sure I'm okay, and moves on to the next person. It's funny that a dog cares more about me than Scott ever did.

       "People," Rick tries to get everyones attention. When it didn't work he yells louder.

"People!" Some people stop talking but some just ignore him. Next thing I know the lights go out and everyone goes silent.

"Now that I have your attention." Rick says turning the lights back on.
"I want to welcome everyone. Is there anybody who has not been assigned a cell block and cell?" No one answers.

"Alright that's good, now we all are gonna have to help out and pull our weight around here. Tomorrow  see Hershel and Glenn, they are gonna have a signup sheet for different jobs. For instance if your good at cooking, or a good shot, or maybe you'd be willing to go on runs. This isn't gonna be like Woodbury, we're here and all in this together. We don't force anyone to do dangerous things it's on you. However, everyone will be assigned small jobs. Also if there anybody who can help teach the kids. It would still be good for them to be able to learn to read and things like that. Carol has volunteered to do a story time for the kids in the library. I'm sure it will be good for them."

       Everyone claps and looks excited. Up to now the only thing that I've been excited lately is if we go on a run and nobody dies or gets kidnapped.

"Also, I know at Woodbury you could afford to be loud. As much as I wish it could be that way here... it can't." Everyone starts to murmur a bit.

"Please try to keep it down a bit. We have to be sparring with our ammo, we do our best to keep the fence clear, so tomorrow we are gonna be taking some extra precautions to ensure our safety. That's about it. Does anybody has any questions or concerns?"

      Some hands go up and I sigh in boredom. I smile as Apollo comes over to me again so I let him a bit this time trying to get him to stay for a few seconds.

       "This is not a democracy anymore blah blah blah." I mock in a deep southern voice, quietly in his ear, and chuckle as he nudges me trying to knock me over with his big head. I roll my eyes and start to get up when the dumb questions start.

     "Is there any way to get air conditioning?"

"Is there a tv anywhere?"

"Do you have fights with the dead ones?"

     I can only handle so much stupidity in a night. I leave the room so I can go to the bathroom and get ready for bed.

Not long after I got done brushing my hair so it's not a rat nest in the morning I hear the door to the bathroom open. I can't see it because there is a dividing wall between the sinks and the door. I walk a little closer to the door,

"Who's there?" I ask after a second. After there is no reply I go to turn around and run right into someone. I'm about to punch whoever it is out of instinct.

"Woah! Mason!" Carol exclaims putting her hands up."

"Oh sorry I thought you were. Well I don't know, but sorry."

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