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      "Who the heck is Penny?" He ignores my question and lifts me off the ground and into his arms. He's rubbing my back and rocking me like I was a little kid.
"Not trying to be rude but could you possibly put me down and get the heck away from me?" I say with in a fake polite voice.
"I know you were always saying you were a big girl." He says as he wipes the sweaty flyaway hair out of my face. He puts me down and looks at Merle who looks equally confused.
"There's gonna be a meeting tonight. Everything will be explained, so spread the word." The governor yells to everyone. As soon as everybody is gone except for me Merle and the governor I kick the governor in the shin and run as fast as my legs will carry me. I hear them behind me, but keep running.
     I'm running down the sidewalk about to pass an alley when a hand about my size grabs my shirt and rips me into the alley behind a box. I watch as Merle and the governor run past the alley. I turn around to see a girl who looks a little older than me looking at me. We stare at each other for a few seconds waiting to see who will talk first. She nervously speaks up,
"Hi, I'm Mika Samuels... why were they chasing you?"
"Umm I... it's complicated."
"I get that, do you have any family? I have a sister and dad."
"That's nice I have... Well their kinda like family."
"How about you come to my house, maybe they'll give up chasing you."
"Okay I guess so."
     I follow Mika to a house that's not big but not small either, it's just right.
"My dad is watching the gate, and my sister is playing with her friends," she opens the door.
"Come on I think my dad is hiding cookies at the back of the pantry!" I wearily follow her. I can't remember the last time I had cookies, maybe at the farm. The farm... that brings back a lot of sad memories. Sophia being the hardest, I play with the bracelet around my wrist.
"What's that from?"
"One of my friends... she died."
"I'm sorry, my mom died too, where's you're mom and dad?"
"My... he's dead, and I don't know where my mom is I've never met her."
"Who takes care of you?"
"I can take care of myself."
"But you're just a little girl?" I just ignore her and walk away to look out the window.
"Do you know how to get out of here?"
"The door?" I laugh,
"Not the house... Woodbury."
"Why would you want to leave? It's safe here."
"No, nowhere is safe, not anymore."
"That's not true! My dad said it's safe."
"It's safe? Trust me I've heard that before. It's a lie."
     Before we can finish our debate the door opens and closes.
"Quick the back door!" We get up and are about to run when we hear a voice.
"Freeze! Where are you off to in such a hurry?"
"Hi daddy."
"Mika? Who is that and why were you trying to leave before I saw you?" He said kinda
"This is...?"
"Umm... I've got to go."
"Not so fast... the governor said he was looking for a kid... is that you."
"No," I lie, unfortunately he doesn't buy it. He sighs,
"Let's go."
     As I'm walking out with him I turn and kick him in the shin.
He yells and I run... I run straight into Merle. I fall backwards on back, and grunt as I get the wind knocked out of me.
"Gotcha, lets go!" He grabs my arm hard and yanks me up. He lifts up his hand and is about to bring it drown hard, but it never happens. This governor guys grabs his hand.
"Don't you dare lay a finger on my little girl of course she ran she was scared."
"Sir, this girl ain't named penny her name is Mason, ain't that right?" He turns to me. I have a feeling the only way to make it out of this place is to go along with it.
"Who's Mason?"
"Now you listen to me!" This might be the only time I can have some fun at Merle's expense without getting whooped.
"Please don't let him hit me!" I run straight behind the governor.
"He won't, you're on thin ice here Merle."
"I'm sorry sir she just looks like somebody I know. Sure don't act the same though."
"Funny he Reminds me of someone I used to know." I say glaring at Merle, he glares back.
"Let's go home my Penny." This is gonna be a fun night.
While we're Walking he tries to take my hand, but I pretend I don't notice and keep walking.
He takes me to a huge house like a mansion. We go inside and he takes me to a room with lots of girly colors.
"I'll let you get settled, when your done there's a sandwich in the kitchen for you. I need to go tell everyone who you are they're all very confused," I shrug.
"I love you my sweet girl." This guys a real nut job. I shrug again.
"Penny I know this is difficult, but you need to understand you're safe now. I'll be back soon." He sighs and walks out of the room.
I watch him leave my room and wait a while on the bed it's so comfortable. Why does he think I'm Penny? Maybe I should do a little exploring while he's gone. After I eat my sandwich cause I'm starving.
     I haven't had a sandwich since the farm. I hope Maggie and Glenn are okay, I have to find them, but I need weapons and a little knife ain't gonna do anything.
      I put my plate in the sink and walk out to the hallway. I take the stairs to go to a lower level. There's nothing there except for a bunch of doors, One door sticks out it's at the end of the hallway. I listen at the door and when I don't hear anything I go in. There's some sort of cage I don't see a key but I can pick a lock. I need a knife I turn but stop when I hear a low growl. I turn around and fall backwards as a figure slams on cage it's about my size maybe bigger. There's a bag around it's head, and it's wearing a straight jacket. Now I know I need a knife, I turn around and run right into the governor. Who's looking at me like I'm a meal.

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