6.Killer Within

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Blood, blood everywhere I can't move I collapse looking to where Lori lay with a slit stomach. Carl is hovering over her with gun in hand.
"No we can save her! Please!" He looks at me tearfully,
"No we can't, but we can save each other, and the baby." He fires the bullet that puts down the only woman who ever cared about me even when I was acting like a brat.
"No! No no no no..." I brake down falling on the floor. She can't be dead she's not.
"We need to go Mase, walkers would've heard that." He says wiping tears from his cheeks.
"She can't be I'm not ready for her to be dead."
"I know... I know." He hugs me, and we cry for a few seconds before we realize that we do indeed need to run. We get up and still holding onto each other start to walk through the door where Maggie and the baby are. I walk right past both with Carl and he pulls me to the door where sunlight is barely peeking through. We walk through the door with Maggie following right behind us. What is Rick gonna do?
I look down to avoid all the stares, but I hear Rick.
"Where is... where... where is she?" He asks Maggie, she doesn't answer but I hear her try to stop a heartbroken Rick from going to find her. He stops at where Carl and I are, and begins sobbing.
"No... no no..." he falls to the ground in a fetal position and sobs. Carl just stares ahead, and now he isn't holding me up, it's the other way around. I think he'd fall next to his father if he wasn't leaning on me.
Rick stumbles to his feet, and Daryl and everybody else try to get his attention, but he looks like he can't even hear them. He leaves through the door we came out of. I'm not even paying attention to anything being said, I'm just standing there doing nothing next to Carl. People are talking, and Daryl comes over to me and snaps his fingers in front of my face I breathe heavily.
"Mason listen to me, we don't have time for a panic attack, breathe!" I can't I'm chocking, the baby is crying everybody is eerily quiet.
"I'm fine," I gasp out. "The baby?"
"She'll be alright, I've got to go on a run to get her food. I'm getting you the medicine Hershel told me about while I'm at it. Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone. Be safe Masie."
"You too." I gasp out. He walks over to Beth and tells her to watch out for Carl, he says my name quietly to Hershel also, probably asking him to take a look at me. I'm fine though I've got a migraine but I need to toughen up, it's Carl who lost his momma. I should be used to losing people. I've got to be there for Carl. I see Daryl leave, and Carl and I walk quietly into the cell block.
"I'm gonna go to bed you should get some sleep too." He walks to his cell, and I go upstairs to mine and grab my stuff. I'm not letting him stay alone me through this. I walk down and put my stuff in the empty bunk in Carl's room. I sit on his bunk next to him and we stare at the wall.
"It doesn't feel real. I could've done something, I should've fought harder."
"Carl stop it, you did everything you could, you took care of your mom as best as you could and she'd be so happy knowing you are taking care of her little girl."
"She told me something before she... she said that we were gonna beat this world, but not just live through it, but beat it... I think she meant not to lose ourselves, not to become hard, to do what was right."
"I miss her already... she loved you, and the baby, and Rick."
"She loves you too, she told me to tell you that you are as much her kid as the baby and I am. She told me to take care of my sisters."
"She always told me it was gonna be a girl."
"Mom was always right." I smirk, and he looks at me,
"And I am gonna protect you and the baby."
"Thanks Carl... and I'm sorry about your mom."
"Our mom."
"Our mom." I say and we both go back to staring at the wall.

Finished Oct 2/19

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