19. Isolation

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        (Mason's POV)
I wake up and see Daryl sitting next to me snoring. I smile then remember what their trying to do... I have to stop them Michonne saved me I need to return the favor. I get up quietly but of course Daryl wakes up. He looks pretty stiff from sleeping in that position all night.
"You okay?" I ask.
"Just a little stiff."
"Maybe Carol can help you," I say teasingly.
"How'd you?"
"I saw you the first night we were here."
"We'll forget what you saw, I'm just her friend."
"She's a lot like us isn't she."
"Yeah She is."
"I think Michonne is to... she's trying to help us and..."
"Mason stop that. Whatever Rick says goes."
"Why?! Why can't we..."
"Because he's gained our respect. He does what he does for the group, and I don't want to hear another word about it do you understand?"
"Yes I understand." I walk out of the cell and down stairs. I have to talk to Rick. I'm on my way to find him when someone grabs me from behind and covers my mouth. I try to scream and kick, but I feel a knife close to my stomach. I realize it's Merle and start to kick even harder. I hear a door open and he drags me down a long hallway and through another door and hallway. He puts me down and grabs my upper arm and starts dragging me with him.
"Merle what are you doing?!"
"We can't have you running off to tell Michonne what's going down."
"Merle don't do this please!"
"It's the only way."
"You really things the governor is just gonna stop?"
"I think it's worth a shot."
"At least let me talk to rick... please."
"Rick has already gone soft."
"You mean he doesn't want to do it either."
"Nope, him and my brother both gone soft."
"No their just human, but you... you're just a monster!"
"Maybe, but it's worked for me so far."
"Oh really being locked on a rooftop and left for dead? Having to cut your own arm off? Being a lackey to a insane man? Not being anything to anybody except a henchman?"
"Enough!" He yells at me so loud that I hear walkers start coming toward us. I try to run, but Merle grabs me tighter and yanks me close to him. Then pulls me through a door into another hallway, but there's no windows here.
"Where are we going?"
"You're gonna have to go to isolation for a bit. Don't worry it's soundproof, and secure so you won't be walker bait."
"You will be when Daryl finds out!" I sass.
"Shut up."
He throws me in a dark and smelly room, and surprisingly throws me a flashlight before slamming the door before I can say another word.
"Hey! Merle don't do this! Please don't!" I scream while banging on the metal door. It's clearly too late because I hear the door to the hallway slam shut. And the small bit of light it let through was gone, and I was left in pitch black. It reminds me of my life before the virus. Scott would lock me in the cellar especially when I was younger and he didn't want to hear me crying after he beat me. It's almost like I can hear Him yelling and feel the welts all over my body.
"Daryl, Glenn, Rick, anybody?! Please help me!" I know it's dumb, but I can't help it, and I'm trying not to have a panic attack.
I sink to the floor and feel all along the floor to find the flashlight. When I finally find it I turn it on right away, and see the source of the terrible smell. Sure Merle secured the room, but he wasn't kind enough to get the walker corpse out. It's so bad I have trouble breathing so I tie my bandana around my nose to try to block out the awful smell.
I kick the door a few times and try everything to get it to open, but nothing is working. It's silent, and all I can do is sink to the floor and hold myself while rocking back and forth trying not to freak out anymore than I already am.

(Glenn's POV)
      Rick just got done telling everybody about the governor's offer and Merle of course taking matters into his own hands. Daryl must get tired of cleaning up after Merle.
"Has anybody seen Mason?" The silence gives me my answer.
"You don't think she would follow Daryl do you?" Carol asks.
"I wouldn't put it past her," Rick says.
"We need to go find her!" Beth says sounding worried."
"I think she knows how to take care of herself," Carol cuts in.
"She might just be blowing off steam. Daryl told her about the governors offer, and she wasn't too keen on the idea."
"Who would be?" Carl ask's sounding irritated about the thought of giving up an innocent person like that.
    Rick grimaced and walked away to look at the fence line.
"Hey! Michonne is back!" He yells and we all go to let her in. I'm surprised that she even came back after Rick even considered the deal to give her up. When we get up Rick is the first to go ahead and greet her. Then they both start walking back towards the rest of us.
     "Merle let me go, but he said that he locked Mason in the solitary confinement cells." I'm already leaving to go look for her. I think I saw the cells where she is when we went to clear the other cell block.
"Glenn, wait!" Carl yells after me.
"I want to help find her." Michonne comes too
"Alright let's go... it will be best if it's just the three of us." The others nod and stay in the cell block.
"Merle said she was in the last cell on the left." Michonne lets us know. The moment we open the door to the confinement cells all I can think about is how hot it is in here. I can only hope she has water, but knowing Merle he probably didn't give her any. It's dark too, and smells awful.
"Has She been in here the whole day?!" Michonne ask's worriedly.
"I haven't seen her all day." Carl admits,
"I should've known something was off." I say more to myself. We sprint to the end of the hallway and see where Merle left the keys. Michonne opens the door and The three of us all have to look away from the awful smell. The only reason I snap into it so fast is cause I see Mason on the ground passed out. Carl shines his flashlight, and I see a corpse. I don't see any bites which mean he's probably been rotting here since the beginning.
"Mason! Hey come on open your eyes." I slap her cheek lightly a few times trying to get her to come to, but not hurt her.
"Here," Michonne hands me her water canteen.
I try to get some in mason's mouth. She stirs a little, and opens her eyes briefly. She mumbled something but we can't understand her. Her skin is hot, and her clothes are soaked in sweat. I pick her up bridal style.
"We need to get her to Herschel... now!" We all run back to the cell block. Mason starts to whimper and move in my arms.
"It's okay Mase," I try to soothe. She's light which makes it easy to carry her.
"Hershel! Help!" Carl yells. I bring mason in, and everybody gathers around.
"Everybody back up! Give them some space," Rick yells.
"Put her on the bed," Hershel orders.
She's trashing around on the bed and whimpering put random nonsense. When Hershel tries to put a cool compress on her forehead she starts to freak out a little,
"No Scott don't! I'm sorry," she tries to get away from Herschel, and almost falls off the bed.
"Rick put her on the floor!" Herschel orders, and Rick does just in time cause she starts to thrash around even more.
"Should we hold her down?" I ask.
"No she's having a seizure leave her be and let it pass." It's one of the hardest thing I've ever had to watch. It lasts about three minutes.
      "Let's get her to the showers. We need to get her temperature down." Hershel says. Rick picks her up and we run to where the showers are. Herschel puts it to a cool temperature. Rick puts her under the water, and she immediately opens her eyes and gasps. She tries to get out, but Rick stops her, and rubs the hair out of her face. She keeps fighting to no avail.
"No Mason, Shhh." He tries to soothe her,
"We need to get your temperature down, you're burning up." She cries a little bit, and is still gasping from the sudden burst of cold water.
     After a few minutes Hershel turns the water off, and mason passes out again. We bring her back into the cell block .
"She could use a fresh set of clothes." Rick says, and Carol leaves to get some from her cell.
"Rick." Hershel nods, and motions at him to put Mason back on the bed. After he does we leave for a minute and give Her some privacy so Carol can get her in some dry and clean clothes.
     "We can't let Merle get away with this, she could've died from this." Rick demands and we all nod in agreement.
"We have to talk to Daryl, he's not gonna be okay with this," I say.
     Carol walks out, and Rick, me, and Hershel walk in.
"Maggie could you get some more cool water?" Hershel asks. She nods and leaves.
"One of us should stay with her and keep putting cold water on her face. At least Until she wakes up."
"I will," Carl offers and Herschel nods.
"Let us know as soon as she comes to."
"I will."

(Feb 25/21)

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