7.It Can't Be Him

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It's been a few days since Lori. Daryl and Maggie got stuff for the baby and Daryl got some pain meds for me and Hershel. I had a heck of a migraine after the walkers happened. On the bright side, Rick actually held the baby. He smiled at her too, he's still kinda scary because he's so sad and leaving everybody to go to the tombs. Carl is sad but I'm trying my best to cheer him up even if I'm just as devastated as him. I have to be strong though... for Lori.
     "Hey Mason! Daryl is letting me come with him to clear out some stray walkers!"
"Ohh... that's cool." I wish I could go but Daryl probably won't let me. Speak of the devil Daryl walks into the cell in sharing with Carl.
"Mason, I want  you to listen real good."
"Maggie and Glenn are making a run if you want you can join them."
"Yes! Yes yes yes!" I say jumping up grabbing my backpack I already have my weapons on. Daryl chuckles and tells me his usual be careful, don't do anything stupid, listen to the adults, and be on alert at all times speech. It's a short speech because it's Daryl talking.
"Have fun Mason, be careful." Carl says as I leave.
"You too!" 
     As I walk out of the cell I see Maggie and Glenn waiting by the door smiling.
"Ready for this kiddo?" Glenn says ruffling my hair. I get a little defensive of it, it's still done from Lori did it from a few days ago and I want to keep it like this until I have to take it out. We get into a vehicle and I watch as the prison fades away. It's the first time I've been away from Daryl since the farm I'm not sure how I feel about that.
"Alright sweetheart, we are gonna get the baby some formula if you see anything else we may need grab it." Maggie says.
    The baby needs a name, we cant keep calling her "the baby" it doesn't make any sense. I walk into a store and grab some warm socks it gets a little cold at night, I'm sure they'll come in handy. I even find a knife that clips onto the inside of your shirt sleeve I grab it and clip it on. You can't even see it. I'm about to look in the next isle when I hear gunshots. I run to the door and peek out I can barley breathe when I see him. No it can't be he died on the rooftop. I'm just seeing another mirage I think that's what the others called it.
      Why is he shooting at Maggie and Glenn he knows Glenn, and where is his arm. Well, I guess he is one of the members of the group that left him on the roof, I drop the socks.
"Merle?" He immediately stops shooting and looks at me. Maggie and Glenn are in a bad position to get a shot off, so he started to talk to me.
"Well looky What we got here!" He laughs his gravely laugh.
"It's a whole family reunion!"
"I thought you were dead?"
"Is that what they told you? Well sweet darling nobody can kill Merle but Merle." I stumbled over my words.
"What's the matter kitty got your tongue?"
"I'm just wondering why you're talking about yourself in first person."
"Just as Smart Alec as the day we met. How's my little bro?"
"Fine, he went back for you with Rick and a few of the others. When they came back and you weren't with them I didn't even bother to ask Daryl if you were alive or not. Just assumed."
"Well as I said before nobody can kill..."
"Merle but Merle." I cut in and he laughs,
"Starting to get it." I can't help but smirk even if Merle and I parted on bad terms it wasn't my fault he got left on the roof.
     I don't even have any time to react as Merle grabs my arm and spins me around to face Maggie and Glenn. He holds his knife hand thing to my throat.
"Hey stop! let her go!" Glenn yells. Maggie gasps loudly and I can't help but let out a small whimper.
"Alright now here's what's gonna happen... y'all are gonna get in that car and we're gonna take a little trip. By the way I wouldn't try nothin' unless you want little Masie here to have a mighty sore throat."
"Merle what are you doing?!" I yell.
"Shut up little girlie." He says harshly pushing the knife so it's a little bit closer to my neck. An angry tear streams down my left cheek.
"Alright!" Glenn yells.
"Let's go!"
"Oh no chinaman you don't give the orders, I do." He says visibly rubbing my neck with the knife.
"Walk to the car slowly. This knife goes a little deeper if the two of you so much as talk to each other." With that we go to the car and Glenn goes the way Merle tells him. True to his word the knife stays on my neck the whole way.
The vehicle finally stops at a y'all wall with guards at the top of it. They all have weapons and look threatening.
"Why are you doing this?" I say quietly.
"Quiet got nothin' to worry about," He hisses. Once we get through the gates some guys come and grab Maggie and Glenn.
"Take them to the holding cells," Merle commands.
"No! Stop!" I scream and start to thrash in Merle's grip as the men drag Maggie and Glenn away from me.
"Come on time to go get you cleaned up got someone for you to meet." Merle throws me over his shoulder like he did the first time he wanted me to get cleaned up at the quarry.
     Merle locked me in a bathroom at his room, and told me I wasn't getting out until I was washed completely. He knew I was gonna refuse so he bribed me and told me he'd take me to see Glenn and Maggie if I did.
     I open cabinets to see if there's anything I could use. I have the knife on the inside of my sleeve, but I might want it later as a backup plan. I smile when I find a small bottle of cleaner or in my words mace. I Put it into my pocket and hope he doesn't notice. I grudgingly get into the shower and hope Merle keeps his end of the deal up.



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