31. Everyone Dies Alone

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"Mason?" Daryl says impatiently and I start to squirm a bit under the gaze of all the people in the room.

"I think maybe we should let her rest a bit more before we grill her."

Doc S says and gives me a quick wink and I give him one of my rarely seen kind smiles. Thank God for Doc S Is all I can think right now.

"Daryl will you stay?" I ask quietly.

"Of course I'm staying."

He says like me even thinking he was gonna leave was the dumbest thing he'd ever heard. The others start to leave the cell and I fall asleep before Hershel is even out the door.

My eyes flutter open and I look to my right and see Daryl passed out on an uncomfortable metal chair. I quietly get up and slip out of the dreary cell.

It looks like Nobody is awake yet so I grab a granola bar and head out to the garden. I can't stop thinking about the horrible nightmare last night. Hopefully no one asks me about it cause I can't handle talking about it.

A small smile comes when I see Edith planting some more of her flowers. I found some seeds on a run and gave them to her for her birthday. She keeps track of what day it is. I found out I'm nine and a half.

She reminds me of Dale winding that stupid watch to keep track of time as if it actually matters. I feel a pang of hurt in my chest. When I think of one of the fallen I think of all of them. I look down at my wrist, No one fights alone... maybe not but everyone does alone.

"We'll good morning!" Edith says in her cheery airy voice. She has such a distinct voice I don't think I'd ever be able to forget it.it's a little shrilly but not in an annoying way. It automatically puts you in a better mood when you hear it.

"Hi Edith, how long have you been up for?"

"Oh, I rise with the sun."
I quirk my eyebrow,
"The sun is not even up yet, Can I help?"

"Sure ya can honey," I smile as she throws a bag of seeds at me.

We plant seeds in silence for a few minutes then I look at the flowers that have already bloomed.

"See, Even the most beautiful things can grow in these wretched times." She says while looking longingly at her small but no question beautiful garden.

It's all so peaceful and I'm soaking up every second of this. It's such a difference from last night everything is quiet and fresh. Perfect everything is perfect.

That is until the screaming fills the air and i immediately remember where I am.

Edith looks at me startled.

"Stay here!"

"Mason!" She yells at me and grabs my arm.

"I got to go help them! It's coming from Cell Block D!"

"No! You could get hurt!" She yells sternly.

I jerk my a away from her. I'm not gonna let her stop me they'll need help. I'm running as fast as I can.

I have a knife on me and I pull it out about ready to enter the cell block when I feel a firm hand wrap around the collar of my vest ripping me back making my feet completely leave the floor. I lose my balance and fall backwards.

When I get back up Daryl has closed the cell block door and given me the dirtiest look I've received yet.

I get up and rip on it but of course it's locked and meant to keep grown men out. So there's no way I'm getting through.

Inside looks like pure chaos people are screaming and there's walkers. How are there walkers? I see Daryl save a little boy named Marcus.

I decide to do what I can. I start screaming and trying to attract the walkers. I get a little excited when one gets sight of me and comes stumbling over. I can't help but gasp and hesitate when I see who it is.

I don't even know her name, but I've seen her with a little girl named Ella. Where is Ella she was younger than me. How is she gonna be okay without her mom?

I guess it doesn't matter anymore there's no saving her. When she is close enough I stab her in the head and she falls.

By the time all is said and done I was only able to kill one, but I did give Glen my knife after his was lost somewhere in the thick of the incident.

All the men look lost. Daryl comes over to me and grabs my shoulders through the bars not in a mad way but a comforting way.

"Go..." he tries to say something else but just can't say anything and just shakes his head. I grab his hands and give them a small squeeze as I turn around and run back.

As soon as I get to our cell block I see everyone gathered and looking worried and wide eyed.

"I... i don't know what happened but Rick and the others stopped it. It's over now." Everyone looks down with some relief but still confused.

I turn to leave to go find Edith to let her know what happened. As soon as I get outside to where we were she isn't there.

"Edith?" I yell but get no answer. I run to the bleachers, sometimes she gets too tired and needs to sit on them.

I get there and she isn't there. I'm starting to panic when I feel a hard thump on the back of my head.

"Ouch!!!" I yell and grab the spot that hurts as I turn around. I see the cause of my pain. The cane of a grumpy old woman.

"What the..."

"That was for running off you little twerp! What happened?"

"We don't know. There were walkers in the cell block." I say still rubbing the back of my head. She didn't hit me that hard but I want to be dramatic.

"Who did we lose?"

"I don't know. Daryl locked me out of the Cell block."

"Let's go inside, we should be with our people." Edith says as she grabs my shoulder and her cane for support. She looks very shaken up. It was her cell block that was attacked. If she was still in there she wouldn't stand a chance.

Once I get her inside I head back to cell block D to see them carrying Patrick out. I grab my mouth before a sound can come out and close my eyes.

I run in real fast hoping not to run into my redneck guardian. I go to Edith's cell and grab her little carpet bag it looks like something out of an old movie. She has a photo album that I grab along with her stupid calendar.

I hear Daryl talking about how Patrick never was bitten and unsure of what caused the horrific situation.  I slip out unnoticed and go straight back to our cell block.

Edith is moving in with me. I'm not gonna let her get hurt. She's defenseless minus her stupid cane. And even if she got one with her cane she'd lose her balance and get eaten alive.

Knowing how stubborn she is she'll probably want her own cell but she's gonna have to get over it.



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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