12.Did You Ever Really Care?

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     So we have this elaborate plan... and of course I'm the one who they made stay outside by the car. They tried to make me go back with Glenn and Michonne, but there was mo way to force me with Glenn wounded and Michonne helping him. I threatened to just follow if they didn't let me come with them, but Rick threatened to tie me to the car. I don't think he really would, it would be too dangerous if a walker or someone from Woodbury were to come by. I pointed this out, and he just ignored me and they left. They've been gone for at least twenty minutes. I can hear shouts and cheers from inside the walls... weird I wonder what's happening. 
     Then I hear the sounds I've been waiting for gunshots, and lots of them. I smile finally some action, I do my part of the plan by running to the trees while the guards aren't paying attention and wait for the grownups.
When I finally see the others coming I almost forget the rest of my duties. I start to fire at anybody I see who is not from our group. Honestly I think he told me to do it just so I'd feel useful. My sigh in relief when I see Daryl. My sigh of relief stops as soon as I see the one armed monster... Merle... I mean Merle right behind Daryl.
"Masie?!" Daryl yells over all the gunfire.
"Daryl!" I run to him and jump into his open arms. To my surprise he doesn't even put me down. Just hugs me breathing deeply.
"We've gotta go!" Someone yells. And our reunion ends as quickly as it started.
When we get a little ways I realize we've made it to the car. Glenn stumbles toward us with Michonne following close behind. I jump when Michonne pulls her sword and Glenn pulls his gun out and points them at Merle.
"What's he doing here!?" Their screaming and probably attracting walkers and possibly people from miles away. Rick points his gun at Michonne. I have a killer migraine I put my head in my hands and sit on the other side of a tree to try to block out some of the noise. Daryl yells something that makes Merle chuckle, and give some smart remark. I feel a hand on top of my head, and look up.
"Here I found these in the infirmary at Woodbury," Daryl says handing me some pills. I don't question and take them.
"Thanks." I look up at him and give him a very small smile.
"What happened to your face?"
"I got hit," I mumble.
"Who hit you?!" I put my head in my hands and start to moan.
"You're a horrible liar." Merle starts yelling stupid things.
"Shut up Merle!" Daryl tries, until Rick knocks Merle out with the butt of his gun. I let out a small laugh, but manage to hold in the joy I find in that pleasant sight. Daryl looks at me,
"Got something to say?!"
"No." I mumble again.
"No sir," I say respectfully.
"Why don't you go wait in the vehicle, it'll be quieter in there," Daryl tells me. I nod and go over to the car, I wondered how long We'll Be here for?

I wake up groggily enough to hear faint voices.
"What about Mason, she loves you. She sees you as her daddy. What am I supposed to tell her?"
"Tell her I'm sorry, and she's a good kid."
"Is that supposed to make her feel better?!"
"I suppose not, I can't leave Merle, not again."
"What about..." I take this as the time for me to cut in.
"Daryl? What's going on." He looks down breaking eye contact.
"Well? Why are you getting your stuff?"
"Mase, I'm sorry, but I can't leave Merle."
"Why would you have to?"
"They said he can't come with us. He's my family. I can't leave him Mase I'm sorry."
"He's your family? Okay so you're just gonna leave me? What does that make me?"
"Don't call me that!" I say raising my voice.
"Don't talk to me like that."
"Or what? Are you gonna leave me, or pretend you care some more?!"
"Mason, I do care about you but I have to be with my brother. I'm sorry, but that's how it has to be. Please try to understand."
"You're a liar Daryl Dixon!" I practically scream. Then I take a breath to calm myself down.
"You don't have to do anything... you could stay if you wanted to but you don't want to... it was Merle, Merle hit me. He let the governor take me. He hurt Maggie and Glenn And you're still leaving with him."
"Mason, I'm..."
"Stop apologizing you aren't sorry, I'm the one who's sorry."
"What do you mean?"
"I let you get close... I know now I made a very big mistake," I say tearing up. I pull the bracelet Sophia gave me off, and give it to him.
"I guess I really can't trust anybody but myself, I am alone."
"Mason you have so many people you'll be alright, you ain't alone." I scoff.
"My dad, my mom, Morales and his family, Amy, Jim, Jacque, Sophia, Dale, Shane T-dog ... Lori, heck, even my dog is gone, and now you."
"Goodbye Daryl." I turned and got back in the car slamming the door shut and locking the door. Daryl and Rick talk a bit, and I even hear Daryl tell Rick to take care of me. Well, news flash I can take care of myself. I really didn't see Daryl leaving me, but I guess I should be used to it by now.
I watch as Merle and Daryl leave, I don't cry, and I don't speak to anyone. I look out the car window and wish I hadn't said all those things to Daryl. Deep down inside I know I need him, but the ugly truth is he never needed me.



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