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"What are you doing in here?" He says in the scariest voice I've heard in a while.
"Okay Okay, I was looking for the bathroom." I say sarcastically. He grabs me and practically drags me up the stairs.
"Why are you keeping a walker?" He ignores me and takes me to the second floor and shoves me in a room with a big bed.
"You'll stay here until you decide to obey and stop sassing me.
"All I did was go downstairs, and sassing that was nothing." He slams the door and locks it.
Well I'm tired anyway. I get in the bed and lay on what feels like a cloud. I need a way to escape, but first I have to get Maggie and Glenn.

     I've been in here about an hour, the window is way to high up to jump from and there isn't any other way out. I hear the door unlock and somebody opens it.
"Andrea?! We have to get out of here and help..." She looks relieved, and confused.
"Oh, Mason? What are you doing here? He said his daughter Penny was here." She says quite confused.
"Glenn, Maggie, and I were on a run..."
"Wait Glenn and Maggie are here too?"
"Yes, they're keeping them prisoner I'm really worried they are gonna hurt them. That's why we have to..."
"Oh Phillip would never hurt anyone!"
"Phillip?! You mean the governor?"
"He's not the governor to me,"
"He's bad Andrea, everything about him feels off... how can't you see that? He keeps calling me Penny, and he is keeping a little girl walker downstairs! He's insane!"
"Stop that Mason! He's given you somewhere to stay, you should be grateful."
"GRATEFUL?! He kidnapped me, Glenn, and Maggie, he could even be torturing them and you want me to be grateful?! He's locked me in my room and..."
"you aren't locked in anymore, he wants to talk with you."
"I would rather talk to the walker in the basement! You can practically smell the crazy on him! Why does he think I'm his daughter Penny?"
"Walker in the basement? First off stop making up stories that's crazy. And secondly, I don't know, sometimes when somebody wants something to be true, they act a little..."
"Crazy... insane...mental... loco..."
"Mason, lets go." She huffs and I follow her down the stairs. I could make a break for it, it's starting to get dark though and I'm kinda afraid of being alone in the dark in the freaking apocalypse.
       We go into the kitchen, and he is sitting there looking at me with a smile. I don't know what Andrea sees in that twisted face but I see right through it, he's bad.
"Well?" I say angrily.
"Penny sweetheart I'm sorry I just get a little mad at times, but now that you're here I think it will all start to go back to normal. I just need you to give me some grace."
"I would rather..."
"Penny," Andrea says quietly. I glare at her.
"Mason!" I yell.
"Okay, if you don't stop shouting I'm gonna have to send you to bed without supper." The governor says sternly.
"Good, I'm not hungry."
I Storm out of the room. I wait to see what their gonna say now that I'm gone.
"Phillip, who is that girl?"
"She's my daughter Penny."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course!"
"I'm sorry she just insists that she's not."
"Well either she starts believing or I'll make her believe." Well that's my cue to get the heck out of here.
     I walk to the door run into Merle.
"Going out for a little stroll? Where's the governor? Or should I say daddy?"
"Find him yourself." A deep voice cuts in, "Merle, problem?"
"Umm we have a situation sir."
"Penny, stay here with Andrea."
"Okay." I say knowing well that staying here is the last thing I'm going to do. After Merle and the governor leave I watch through the widow and see them go into a different building. I want to leave, but I think about Daryl told me when we were hunting a while back, I have to be patient... know my prey. I wait and watch. After a few minutes Merle comes out with a few other minions and they walk toward the shed I saw Maggie and Glenn in, but that's not all I see.
"Daryl?!" I whisper in relief.


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