26. The Pharmacy

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        Going on runs is the most invigorating thing you can imagine. Getting asked to go on a run by Daryl is just icing on the cake. I know I have to sleep, but I just keep thinking about everything I'm gonna look for and maybe I can even find Carl some m&ms or a comic book. He's a little jealous that I'm younger than him and going on a run. Tomorrow is gonna be an eventful day that's for sure.

      "I just don't see why you have to take her on a run with you, she's a kid, Daryl! Or have you forgotten?"

"Hey listen if you want Carl to be a farmer or whatever that's on you, man. I want Mason to know how to survive!"

"We are safe! We have walls! What do you think..."

"What like we were safe at the CDC?! Or the farm? Or even here before the governor?" I try to reason.

"Daryl, teach her on your own time! here where she's safe and you don't have to watch out for both of you and a bunch of other people. Let her and Carl take over some things here in the walls and they'll feel like they are in charge it will be good for them."

"Good for them or you?"

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"It means I know what you're doing and I get it." We both know full well he's trying to keep The kids out of the line of fire.

"Lori would have wanted the kids to be here. Being kids, going to story time."

"I tried that. She went over the walls by herself for it."
"Then ground her! Remind her the adults are in charge and she is a kid."

"That kid does what she wants when she wants and it gets her into trouble, but you gotta hand it to her she's self-reliant and she knows it. Everyone acts like it's a bad thing, but it's not. It's a good thing. We don't know what's gonna happen. We could die today and they'd be by themselves."

"I think we both know that nothing is gonna happen to us. Nothing can happen to us because we got people depending on us. Let's keep our kids safe please." He practically begs. I'm done with this conversation it's obviously not going anywhere for either of us.

"As I said before Carl is your kid and you can make him do what you want. Just know you aren't doing him a favor by making him take care of pigs and plant some vegetables. He'll get rusty and that gets people killed."

I know that hit a nerve, and at this point it's escalating to a fight and Rick and I don't need to be at odds right now.

"All I'm saying is Mason is mine, and she isn't gonna get soft and forget that we are always cautious. She's coming and that's that." I leave and I hear Rick throw a chair against the wall.

I appreciate him looking out for her, I'd do the same for his kids if it ever came to it. As of now I make the decisions for Mason, I'm just not gonna tell her that. In my opinion of she's gonna go over the walls it might as well be for a purpose and with me.

(Morning of the run Mason's POV)
        I'm up first and at Daryl's bike waiting for him. I don't wait long because soon Daryl and a few others including Maggie and Glenn come out. I Don't recognize the rest of the people, but I'm shocked when Beth comes out. There is no way. I'm relieved when she pecks one of the younger guys on the cheek. I smirk as Daryl looks annoyed.

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