2. Home Sweet Prison

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      Everybody is sitting around a small campfire, talking now that we piled all the dead bodies, well, everybody else did that. Daryl made me sit in the car and rest, because I got another migraine from all the gunfire earlier he never lets me do much. I feel a lot better though just a bit tired.
     Hershel starts talking about all the possibilities of planting food, and stuff, but I zone out. I wish I could help Daryl keep watch, but he told me to go to sleep. But I don't like sleeping without him nearby. I wouldn't tell him that, I don't want him to think I'm dependent on him or anything. I haven't called him daddy since that day on the farm, I don't think he'd like it if the others new I called him that. I don't know why, I think he just wants to be Daryl.
Beth and Maggie start singing a song I've never heard, and Daryl comes over to me and whispers,
"Why ain't you asleep?"
"I couldn't, can't stop thinking."
"Hmm, well close your eyes, if you stay up to late ya might get a headache."
"Okay, Daryl..."
"Sleep. Now." I sigh, but fall asleep pretty fast.

     "Alright, stay outta the way. And be alert, don't do anything stupid." Daryl says roughly. I can't help but glare as he lectures. he flicks my nose,
"And wipe that look of your face." I do and sigh as I watch Daryl leave with a few of the others. I try to keep my eyes on Daryl, but he turns a corner and I can't see him. Now comes the fun part, we wait.
     About a half hour later the group comes back, and tells us it's alright to come in.
"Is it safe?" Beth asks.
"Relatively speaking," I say sarcastically getting a small glare from her, and a small smirk from Daryl. When we walk in questions are thrown by everyone but me.
'Is it safe' 'how long are we staying' I ignore the answers and keep quiet until Daryl speaks up.
"I ain't sleeping in no cage, I'll take the perch."
"Daryl can I..."
"No, you're sleeping in a cell, I'll feel better knowing you're safe."
"I'll be safe if I'm with you."
"I said no, and this is were you say 'yes sir' understood?" He says sternly.
"Yes sir." I say in a small voice. He takes my arm and gives it a small tug I follow him up the stairs and to a room where nobody else is, and it's pretty secluded from the rest of the group.
"Get settled." Is all he says as he leaves the room, leaving me in the doorway to take a look at my cell room. It's better than the storage units, or the garages and sheds I'm used to. It's bigger than the room I lived in with Scott... No I swore I would never mention his name out loud or in my head again it's time to forget about the old world it'll make me weak it's time to think about the new one. Yeah, it sucks, but I'm okay with it. I used to think that anything would be better than living with... him boy was I wrong.
      I fall asleep feeling kinda safe, after I closed the cell door that is it's not locked, but I'm on the top bunk and I put my heavy backpack in front of the door.

     I wake up to the sounds of the guys downstairs they're talking about the weapons they found. I wonder what I won't be doing today I think sarcastically. I also hear Rick tell Carl he's staying to keep everybody here safe while the others go look for some more supplies. When I go down stairs I don't even bother asking if I can go. Daryl surprisingly comes and ruffles my messy hair.
"Be safe kiddo, stay here with Carl he's gonna watch out for everybody." He whispers in my ear,
"You watch out for him." I don't even crack a smile,
"Okay." He tilts his head and gives me a what's wrong with you look. I just turn around and walk over to a table with a few granola bars on it I open one and scoff it down. Watching them leave.
     It's been uneventful here, Carl flirting with Beth even though he has no chance with her, Carol and Lori cleaning, and me actually watching the others from the bed on Daryl's perch. I walk down from the perch, and I'm about to offer Carol help when I hear the yelling.
"Open the door!" Rick says,
"It's Hershel!" He looks awful, his leg is gone replaced by blood, and sheets. I hear yelling from the other room.
"What's that?" Beth and I say in unison.
"Everybody stay put, we found some prisoners." He leaves and I ignore him, and follow to listen in. Well I try Glenn stops me and makes me stay in the cell block.
"Hey, Mason could you come here." Carl yells to me. I shoot Glenn a small glare which he mimics, I smile cause It's kind of an inside thing. Then I go find Carl.
"What?" I say kinda rudely.
"I noticed you're a little irritated about the adults not letting us do anything, so let's show them we can."
"How would we do that?"
"I have an idea. The adults can't ignore us after this.
"I'm listening." He smile in a mischievous way.
"Hershel needs medicine, I say we find the infirmary, and get it."
"The adults will be ticked."
"Hershel saved my life, I owe him."
"We'll have to do it when the guys are busy, so they can't come and try to save us."
"You're right, when should we leave."
"I heard Rick say something about them going to help clear the cell block for the prisoners they found. We'll go when they are gone."
"Be ready," He says.
"I always am."

DATE: 10/12/19

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