4.Can't Outsmart Me

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      Carl got chewed out, and I got off Scott free. I feel kinda bad, but I don't think Daryl would be just yelling. I sigh when I remember The notebook I found for Beth. I bet if I give it to Carl he'd give it to her, he'd probably appreciate it.
I go back down to the common area, and sit at the table. That's when all the adults come back into the room. I get a little nervous, I'm a horrible liar. Rick and Daryl go into the cell Hershel's in. When they come out Daryl comes over to me, and without even looking at me grabs my arm and pulls me upstairs to my cell. He gives me a small shove inside,
"So, I heard Carl decided to take a little walk to the infirmary, you know anything about that?"
"Well he mentioned it." I say avoiding his stern gaze. He grabs my chin,
"Mason?" He says not in an angry way, but it's the voice he uses when he's trying to keep calm.
"A little slower."
"I wentwithcarl totheinfirmary."
"A lot slower."
"I went with Carl to the infirmary, I killed two walkers, saved Carl and got Hershel the medicine."
"Mason, why?!"
"I wanted you to stop treating me like I'm weak, and I can't hold my own. Like I'm a kid."
"You are a kid! If you ever do something that risky again..." he doesn't even finish his sentence. He walks out the door, shuts it, and locks it.
"What are you doing?"
"You're grounded."
"You... are... grounded. I'll bring you dinner later, but for now you're gonna stay in this cell until you get some sense into that head of yours, understand?"
"Yes sir." There'd be use in arguing I'd just be in more trouble. I watch him walk away, and sit on my bed. This is gonna get old real fast.
(3 hours later)
     I've gotten so bored I started counting how long I can go without blinking. So far a whole two minutes. After what feels like forever the door finally opens showing Daryl who doesn't look as angry as before.
"Dinner." I look at what looks like squirrel meat, and some berries. I take it and sit on the bed.
"Thanks." He just nods and stands there like he's waiting for me to say something.
"You said I treat you like a kid and it's true, because I want you to be a kid for as long as possible in this world."
"Daryl, I haven't been a kid in a very long time... since before the dead started walking. He frowns,
"But now you're gonna be a kid whether you like it or not."
"How long do I have to stay in my room?"
"You can come out tomorrow morning." He takes my plate and starts to leaves, but comes back.
"Get some sleep kid." He ruffles my hair affectionately and then walks out shutting and locking the door behind him. I do as I'm told and drift off to sleep.

       Claws, teeth, blood is all I see. I see Hershel as a walker coming at me. I see Daryl doing nothing.
"Daryl help me please!" I scream.
"Why not you're such a grownup help yourself." He walks away and let's me be torn into by Hershel.

      I wake up in a cold sweat, and a small yelp escapes my mouth. They always feel so real. The door immediately unlocks and Daryl comes in with knife in hand.
"Mase you okay?!"
"Yeah sorry I woke you it was a nightmare."
"You gotta try not to wake up screaming so much, it's dangerous."
"I'm trying."
"I know, do you know how to prevent some of the nightmares?"
"By not doing stupid stuff like earlier anymore."
"I'm sorry, I heard a bunch of commotion earlier, is Hershel okay?"
"For being bit and having his leg cut off he's doing alright."
"I'm glad."
"Mase it's not that I'm disappointed in you, it's that you could have been killed. I'm trying to protect you." I sigh,
"I'll try to not scream anymore."
"Masie, nothing is gonna hurt you as long as I can help it... go back to sleep."
"Tomorrow we've got cars to bring in you're gonna help me. Time you learned to drive." I get excited but then frown,
"I thought I was grounded?"
"You were but it was too boring today without you." I smile the first actual smile from being happy in a long time.
"I like seeing that." Daryl says before he walks out.

      "whoa whoa whoa slow down!"
"there's nothing there?"
"Who's been driving since he was twelve?"
"And who is still learning?"
"That is correct, wouldn't want you to get into an accident in the middle of the apocalypse, like some people." I hear the sarcasm in his voice, he ain't Lori's number one fan.
      I ease up the break like he showed me, and start to press on the gas. With a little help from Daryl, I pull into the gate. That's when I mistake the break for the gas. That definitely got a rise out of Daryl. I don't think I've ever hear him yell that loud except when Merle...
"Mason Young!"
"I'm sorry?" I say innocently.
"We can do this later." He practically dives out of the car. I can't help but laugh a bit.
"Oh you think that's funny?"
"No I think it's hilarious."
"Yeah I guess a little funny." He admits, with A chuckle. He loses all sense of humor when he turns around To see two men standing there in prison uniforms.
"Stay here."
"Okay." I watch for a few minutes as the adults talk. The prisoners leave, but Daryl stays and talks with Rick and the others.
when Daryl comes back over to me he tells me that a few of the adults are going to be leaving for a while and I quote...
"Don't do anything stupid, behave, watch out for everybody." At least he isn't mad at me anymore. And I don't know about this prison, maybe it will be where we can stay from now on... A permanent home. There's still a small feeling of doubt at the pit of my stomach that I just can't seem to get rid of.


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