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After one last dubbing session, Lisa walked out of the recording booth with her script and saw Rose with a slovenly posture while eating apples. Lisa shook her head and said: "Boss, why are you so arrogant today? You're being a little too crude with your legs wide open."

"There's no one else here. You've seen me in my underwear while in university, so you don't count." Rose handed Lisa an apple.

Lisa looked at the huge apple being offered and her jaw already felt tired just from seeing it. So she shook her head and sat next to Rose on the sofa and said: "Hey, when picking a new project, could you maybe find a better one? This TV series was so melodramatic I almost gagged a couple of times while I was dubbing!"

"Ha, that's why I didn't dub it myself!" Rose gloated.

"You're going to have to pay me more if the next TV show is as awful as this one." Lisa said, only half-joking.

"I actually do have another job, it's called 'Brother's Baby Sweetheart', if you're willing to dub the main female lead, I'll double your commission."

"Get lost!" Just hearing the title made her want to throw up.

Lisa laughed, and after finishing her apple said: "Nevermind. It's still pretty early, let's go clothes shopping."

Lisa turned towards a clock, and seeing that it was only 3:00 p.m., nodded happily.

Driving her red BMW, Rose passed by several shopping malls and Lisa couldn't help but ask: "Miss Rose, where exactly do you plan on going?"

"I'm taking you to a private boutique." Rose said, "Nowadays clothes sold in malls use low quality fabrics, wear it once and it'll fall apart."

"OK, I'll listen to you." Rose's taste had always been very reliable, so Lisa was rest assured.

"When we get there, find an extra dress to wear for Mina's engagement party next month."

"Mina?" Lisa thought for a moment and finally recalled something. She asked, a little uncertain,"Oh..Mina?"

"Yeah? Why do you look so surprised? Did she not invite you?" Rose wondered.

Invite? Lisa did recall being invited, but at that time she was so inconsolable from her breakup with Mingyu. She ended up not attending. Then, 2 years later she heard that Mina committed suicide.

Lisa hasn't heard that name in over 7 or 8 years.

"What's up with that face? I'm asked you something!"

Lisa came back to herself and smiled: "Nothing, I was just thinking about the 3 of us. I had the longest lasting relationship, but it ended when I graduated. You had countless boyfriends and is now only left with ex-boyfriends. Mina never fell in love during our time in university, but now she's the first to be married."

"What countless boyfriends? You exaggerate too much."

"Then how many boyfriends have you had, do you think?"

"Wait, let me count." Rose pondered for a while and found that she couldn't remember the exact number.

"Countless." Lisa sneered.

"But how can Mina be someone who had never fell in love?" Rose said, "She and her fiancee are childhood sweethearts!"

"What? Then in the 4 years of university, why haven't I seen Mina's fiancee once?" Lisa was confused.

"I guess she didn't want to talk about such things while we were in school. Anyway, it's useless to think about such things now that we've graduated. We'll just have to see when we go to the engagement party next month." Rose looked ahead and slowed down when she saw the boutique.

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