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2:00 midnight, at precisely 0:00 on a Friday.

Lisa's familiar voice began to reverberate through the city's night sky.

"Hello everyone, this is FM9666, it's now 12:00 and you're listening to Midnight Phantom, I'm DJ Lilly ." Lisa coughed and sounded a little unnatural as she continued, "Today this Lilky has something to say. I need to confess something!"

"A confession can be between an unfamiliar pair that dared to take the next step, or it can be from a person with a secret love." Lisa's voice that traveled through the airwaves sounded extraordinarily gentle. "Of course, a confession will naturally happen between two people who have already fallen in love with each other."

"This confession is the catalyst to fate. A pair of not-quite-strangers will notice the other because of their confession. Someone with a crush will harvest sweetness and beauty from their confession. Of course, it also depends on whether they're successful or not." Lisa smiled as she added that last sentence, then said...

"But why would a confession happen between two people already in love? For example, between couples, husband and wife, old friends."

"It starts with a person growing feelings, then a confession, then you fall in love and get married. You believe that you'll love each other forever, but in married life, loving words aren't expressed as often as before."

"Time changes us. Maybe someday you'll no longer be sure of the love in each other's eyes. Maybe you'll no longer be sure of your own love."

"But with the presence of family and responsibility hanging over you, you'll simply stay. Step by step love becomes kinship, and when you finally arrive at that sunset beach, when you only have each other to depend on, you'll chat. The old man will ask the old woman if she would've still loved him if they never had a child. The old lady will also ask if the old man ever had an affair during the busiest years of his career."

"When you look back, you'll inevitably find a lot of things, so many things that the sentence 'I love you,' that simple sentence, would've fixed. So many misunderstandings that could've been resolved, that could've led to a life with less regret."

"So this Lilky feels that confessions are best done during the young and frivolous years." Likky then took out a piece of paper she had prepared in advance and said, "Today, this Lilky will be the first, to set an example. I want to confess, right here, right now."

"I'm going to read out a love poem, which was written by Pushkin to his lover Kern. I'm giving this to you now, to my lover."

Lilly's beautiful and emotional voice stirred the countless lonely souls listening.

I recall the wondrous chance:

There before me I saw you

Such a brief and a passing glance

Such beauty, brilliant and true

In the clutches of hopeless despair

In the worries of life's hurried storm

For long I heard a voice so fair

And dreamt of a lovely form

Years passed. A rebellious tempest's blare

Scattered all former dreams

And I forgot your voice so fair,

Your form born of heavenly schemes

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