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Large flower markets were generally located in the more remote parts of the city. Early this morning, Jungkook and Lisa drove through the city, all the way to a suburban place full of greenery.

Lisa opened her window, letting the wind blow her long hair, her face full of joy and eyes bright.

"Let's park over there." Lisa pointed towards a small parking lot nearby.

Jungkook looked towards the lot and was puzzled: "The flower market is still a while away though."

"We can walk." Lisa smiled. "The weather is really good today."

At this Jungkook nodded and lowered the car's speed, stopping on a shaded spot.

A sunny and bright spring day would always make a person happy, even if they just sit outside in a daze, it would still be enjoyable.

Jungkook held Lisa's hand as they walked through the shade of a swaying tree, the sunlight peeking through the gaps of the verdant leaves, enhancing Lisa's lovely smile.

"It's been a long while since I came out like this." The weather was wonderful, the wife was happy,Jungkook felt like he was flying.

"Did you miss the beautiful scenery?" Lisa laughed.

"Yeah. Even without flowers, the gorgeous greenery can make people feel refreshed and happy." Jungkook lamented.

"I visited Beijing once, when it was poplar season." Lisa recalled. "I would ride my bike and go through the streets and alleys, the poplars tall and proud as far as the eye can see."

Jungkook could imagine this, and suddenly thought that it was regrettable that Shanghai didn't have many of these tall poplar trees.

"Did you think about what kind of plants you wanted?" Jungkook asked.

"Well~~ I thought that I'd buy some hanging orchids, some green radish, a few brightly colored flowers." Lisa said, excited. "When I traveled around Europe, I saw a lot of beautiful flowers on people's balconies. We can put some tables and chairs on ours and sunbathe together, or read books, drink tea, that would be nice.

"Do you like to travel?" Jungkook could tell that Lisa had been to many places and seen many things.

"Yes." Before her rebirth, Lisa would give herself a vacation every year. Even if she ended up alone, she had wanted to travel to every single beautiful corner of the world.

"When work dies down a little we should go together." Jungkook suggested, realizing that he had never traveled with Lisa.

Lisa smiled and asked: "When has the hospital not been busy?"

Jungkook was stunned, it seemed that the hospital really was constantly busy. Even today's day off needed to be specially approved by Director Song.

Touching his nose, Jungkook awkwardly said: "We can always make time."

Although his words weren't well thought out, Lisa was still pleased with Jungkook's proposal.

Lisa wasn't really a young girl in her twenties. She was someone who was used to do things alone, someone who was independent and a strong personality. Lisa had the mature and gentle soul of a 30-year-old woman.

"There's a lot of places I want to go to, but there's only one place I will always want to come back to." Because they were walking quite close to each other, Lisa needed to look up to lock eyes with Jungkook.

The mischevious sunshine once again traveled past the leaves and fell on Lisa's face, and the slight breeze lifted her hair, making Jungkook's previously calm heart tremble.

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