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At a nail salon next to Rose Studios, Lisa and Rose were having their nails done.

"It's such a hassle being pregnant. You can't do anything!" Rose called Mina to get their nails done, but was rejected on the pretext of pregnancy.

"Pregnant women should pay more attention to their well being!" Lisa didn't look up from the album she was perusing.

"What do you think of Mina getting bigger? I've read that a woman's figure will never be the same even after she gives birth." Rose sounded so horrified, as if she was talking about something terrible.

"I want this pattern for my nails." Lisa pointed to a photo then quickly placed her hand back into the dryer.

She then looked at Rose and said, "Look, I know you're scared, but it's not like you need to have children when you get married."

"If it'll really affect my figure, then I'll have to think about it." Rose said after some serious thought.

"Rest assured, not everyone will be affected and with good exercise, their figure can be recovered." Lisa said, "You've seen so many female stars in TV, it's not like you can't live without a child."

"That's what I said!" Rose seemed to have perked up, so she asks "Your expression today can rival a bright spring day, are you going to go on a date later?"

"Date? How can I go date when you just gave me a job?" Lisa tilted her head towards the documents in her bag.

"Oh yeah!" Rose exclaimed with a smile. "Isn't that unexpected? But Jungkook just came home, we can talk about the contract later?"

"Forget it!" Lisa sighed. "Jungkook's really busy, getting up early in the morning without telling people. If we're talking about dating, you're the one who looks like they have plenty of things to do today."

Deliberately dressed, Rose winked at her and said: "I need to look ambiguous and play with mens' fantasies. Unlike you, I have to dress meticulously!"

"You're too beautiful to look ambiguous. Sigh, I'm all dressed up but all I'm doing is working, totally wasted!" Lisa regretfully shook her head as she spoke.

"That's the wrong way to be thinking!" Rose said, "Women should dress up for nobody but themselves. We women look beautiful all the time."

"And you're not tired?" Before her rebirth,Lisa used to spend the whole day in her pyjamas during weekends. Being beautiful all the time sounded tiring.

"What's there to be tired of?" teacher Rose started bestowing her knowledge. "As long as you have the 3 cards - beauty, hairdressing and fitness, and every dress is paired with exquisite shoes, you'll naturally be surrounded by beautiful things. No need to deliberately work hard, you'll be beautiful and delicate all the time."

"Don't forget one more, the nail card!" Lisa wiggled her fingers.

"Beauty salons nowadays include manicures."

"They also include hairdressing now too, ah!"

"No, no you don't understand. Beauty salons that have hairdressers are all chain stores, not professional at all. I have a dedicated stylist." Rose said, "You shouldn't be penny pinching when it comes to these things!"

"I understand!" Lisa bowed, after her rebirth she had spent some money to maintain her looks, but she definitely cannot be compared to Rose who looks like she just tosses her money.

"Now that you've listened to my teachings, I was going to ask - how's your progress with Jungkook?" Rosestarted to gossip.

"Everything's going well!" Lisa smiled.

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