A Cookie For You

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Why hello there human beans! Welcome to my first fan fiction. I hope you like it!
To get this out of the way: I don't own any of the characters, they all belong to Sony (Spider-Man) and Disney (Marvel's Avengers).
Enjoy the chapter 😉

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Peter was waiting for what felt like forever for the elevator to make it to the living quarters level in avengers tower.
"Hey FRI, can you let Auntie Nat know to meet me in the kitchen?"
"Sure, Peter! Would you like me to also inform boss that you're here?" FRIDAY responded.
"Sure, in a few minutes, not yet. Just Auntie Nat for now," responded Peter.
Finally, the doors opened and Peter walked into the kitchen and dropped his backpack on a stool on the way to grab some cookies that were left out probably by Uncle Clint. Right before he went to grab a cookie, his spidey-sense went off and he snapped his hand away. He looked around the top of the walls at the vents and saw a pair of eyes watching him from behind the grate of one of the vents before they quickly disappeared.
Just then his Auntie Nat walked into the room.
"Hey мама паук (mama spider), you want a cookie?" Peter asked.
"Sure my маленький паук (little spider)! How was scho-" She was cut off as soon as she grabbed a cookie and the second she lifted it off the plate a seemingly invisible cord wrapped around her leg and flipped her upside down dangling her a few feet off of the wood floor.
Peter tried and failed miserably to stifle a laugh as this occurred.
"Very tricky маленький паук (little spider), very tricky," Natasha said as Peter shrugged as he was heaving from laughing so hard.
Auntie Nat had an evil glint in her eyes as she looked upwards to see where the cord was coming from and saw it was from one of Clints' arrows that could blend in with its surroundings. After she saw this, she immediately glared into the closest vent to her position and yelled at Clint to come out.
He reluctantly climbed out of the vent and lowered himself to the ground with his head hanging down in mock shame, trying not to laugh.
Knowing that Nat was going to let Clint have it, Peter grabbed a cookie and picked up his backpack from the stool. He slipped out of the kitchen in order to get to his room fast enough to block out enough of the noise that he could tell would be coming from the kitchen. Once he put his stuff in his room, finished his cookie, and got changed into something more comfortable, FRIDAY let him know that Tony wanted to see him in their lab.
Peter remembered what he and his dad had been working on. He was so excited to get to the lab and continue working on their project that he jumped onto the ceiling and ran upside down all the way to the elevator, before he realised that he was hanging from the ceiling. He jumped and softly landed right side up on the floor, and was about to press the button on the elevator to go down, but was relaxed until he saw a little head peaking around the corner of the opposite hallway from where he came, that was staring at him with curiosity before it pulled back around so he couldn't see who it was.
Peter quickly ran over to where he last saw them and looked around the corner praying that it wasn't some random kid that somehow magically got to where they weren't supposed to be when he saw brown hair covering a little girl's face and realised that it was just Morgan, Tony's daughter and basically his little sister.
He quickly wrapped her in a hug to say hello and she looked up at him with a wide smile on her face and a sparkle in her eye.
"Petey, I want to walk on walls just like you!" Exclaimed Morgan.
Peter didn't want to let her down so he smiled at her and said "One day Morg. But for now how about I just take you with me up on the ceiling to go back to your room?"
"Can I come with you to see daddy? I want to build something with my legos!" She asked with her puppy dog eyes just for effect, knowing that Peter could never say no to those eyes.
"Okay, and how about once we get to the lab I can walk you over to dad on the ceiling just for fun?"
"Yes please!" She said and Peter gave her a kiss on the forehead before he put her back down on the floor and held her hand as they walked to the elevator.

(ᵔᴥᵔ) This is a time skip named Sadie, who is Abby's dog.

A few minutes later Peter was standing on the ceiling of the lab holding Morgan tightly but upright, and Tony was too zoned into his work to notice them.
Morgan happily said "Hi Daddy" and then Tony finally turned around to see them. As soon as he realised that Morgan was on the ceiling he jumped up to make sure she was okay as Peter let her down into Tony's arms. He tried to look mad at Peter but instead couldn't help but smile as they both understood Morg's appetite for adventure.
"Hey Pete, how was school today?"
"It was boring as usual," Peter said. "But afterwards when I went on patrol for a few I stopped a mugging and a book store robbery. I'm debating if I should to tell MJ about that one, we all know how much she loves her books. But I also don't want to worry her about her hardcovers that she carries around with her."
Peter turns to Morgan and says, "I know how much you love the jokes I tell during patrol, do you want to hear the one I said today?" She nods, and he drops down from the ceiling, landing in a squatting position in front of her. "Why does the ghost always need more books?" Morgan shrugs, "he goes through them too quickly." At this, Morgan smiles and laughs and gives Peter a hug. Then skips over to the special corner of the lab that was designed specially to protect her from any possible outcomes from experiments if she was in the lab playing with her toys.
After Morgan was in her room, Peter and his dad started working on their latest project.

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I hope you enjoyed so far!
I will be adding more characters and I will incorporate Spideychelle into this story.
This may become a bunch of one shots or a bunch of different adventures but all part of the same storyline (if that makes sense?). We'll have to see.
I'm on vacay rn. It's very nice.
Until next time!
Peace out human beans! ✌️

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