Parley: E-learning

656 14 5

Ships: Parley/Parkner
Warning: use of Google translate, Swearing in Russian (google translate Russian)


It was Peter's first day of e-learning. He really hoped that nothing would go wrong. He had prepared in many ways, but almost all of them were in vain. He had put a schedule outside of his room, but he knew that no one would look at it, maybe except for Steve. He had announced at breakfast that he was going to class before he left, but he knew that Sam and Bucky weren't listening because they were fighting with Clint over some leftover pizza from the night before. The only thing that he was expecting to succeed was an invention he had made that every time he stepped off of a floorboard around his chair and desk, his camera would turn off, and when he stepped back on it, it would turn back on.

It was going fine until approximately seven minutes into his first class, when his boyfriend, Harley, walked in and asked him for a ruler. Peter just pointed over to his second desk in the other corner of his room and whispered "second drawer, left side."

Once Harley grabbed the spiderling's ruler,  Peter motioned with his hands towards the door. "Shoo! I'm in class! And I'm unmuted!" Peter scream-whispered to his boyfriend who responded with a mock-pout.

"Fine, no snuggles for you!" He said and crossed his arms.

"Hey, no fair!"

"Fine, but I get my SI hoodie back," Harley said.

"Deal! Now go!" Harley turned around to exit through the door, and everyone could see from the big block letters on the back that he was wearing one of Peter's sweatshirts that said 'Parker.'

The lesson went on, and all was well until Clint came down from the vents screaming that the devil was after him. He went and crouched down beside Peter's swivel chair that he was currently residing in.

"Fine but shhh. I'm in cla-" Peter was cut off by Natasha coming in through the vents and landing swiftly on her feet from a roll.

"Okay, Pete, where is that глупая задница птица?" (Stupid ass bird)

Peter stood up from his chair and his camera turned off, but his mic didn't.

"What did he do this time, мама паук?" Peter asked as he sat back down on his chair, his camera turning back on.

"He stole my breakfast."

"Can you guys do this somewhere else, I'm still on a call!" Peter said, gesturing to his open zoom meeting with his classmates all wide-eyed.

"I knew, but frankly, I didn't care, because you already learned all of that stuff when you were nine. And Birdbrain over here came in before me anyways." Natasha said. The teacher just shrugged and agreed with Nat's statement; one, because you should ALWAYS agree with Natasha, and two, because Peter had been acing this class since day one. Peter actually loved this class.

Peter turned back to the computer screen and Clint stood up and started shrieking and running out of the room with Natasha rolling her eyes after him. She came up to her маленький паук and gave him a quick kiss on the head before sprinting out of the room after Clint.


глупая задница птица (Stupid ass bird)


This old chapter I wrote was actually decent! I'm going to post this because I guess I was saving it for later beforehand and I forgot about it.

Did you guys like the "Zoom call" idea? I love to read these chapters myself.


- Shira

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