Parley: Sleepy Peter

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Idea requested by ShortyVreads
Sleepy Peter~Parley
Peter is Tony and Pepper's son in this; Both Peter and Harley live and work at SI, but Harley isn't adopted by the Starks, Peter is.
Info/disclaimer: this one shot is NOT connected to my other one shot "The Day They Found Out Who Spider-Man Was" some of the characters are the same though, because I like the original characters that I had in that story.

(This is NOT canon compliant: Morgan is alive, but Endgame and Infinity War DIDN'T happen either. When I'm writing, if Peter is Tony's and Pepper's biological son, the timeline is different and just imagine that they had a kid or whatever, but in this story they're his adoptive parents, so that doesn't apply)

Ships: Parley/Parkner, Pepperony, Stucky
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It was a Wednesday morning during summer break when Harley woke up to his face in his boyfriend's curls. He smiled and kissed the top of his boyfriend's head, smelling his hair. It smelled like cinnamon.

Harley gently nudged Peter's head with his nose and whispered "Time to wake up, darling."

Peter stirred a little, but just ended up cuddling in closer to Harley's chest.

"Come on, darling. I know you want to snuggle, I do too, it's just I have to work..." he whispered, kissing his boyfriend's head again.

"No. Stay. Snuggle." Peter said, hugging Harley even tighter.

"Fine. A few more minutes..."

Those few minutes passed too quickly for Peter's liking, shifting on top of his boyfriend when Harley tried to move away from him.

"I want to snuggle too, but I have to work, I'm sorry darling..." Peter just grunted at Harley still not letting him move from the bed, when Harley bopped his nose, causing him to scrunch up his face in the most adorable way.

Harley smiled and pecked his boyfriend's forehead. Peter opened one of his eyes letting it adjust to the light before opening his other one to stare up at Harley with his pleading brown puppy dog eyes. Peter's strategy worked.

"I'll let you snuggle me when I go down to the labs," Harley said to Peter.

"Okay..." Peter whispered back, before closing his eyes once more.

"But in order to do that, you have to unstick yourself from me so I can change out of my pajamas. Okay?"

Peter just nodded back, before reluctantly unsticking himself from his boyfriend, and rolling over to lay his head on the pillow.

Once Harley was done changing into new jeans and a tshirt, he climbed into the bed with Peter and pecked his lips lightly.

"Come on, we have to go," Harley said to his boyfriend.

Peter nodded his sleepy head and let himself be picked up by Harley before wrapping his legs around Harley's waist and sticking to his boyfriend's chest.

Harley laughed quietly at his boyfriend's antics before removing one arm to open the door to walk down the hallway. They got to the kitchen, where Bucky and Steve were cooking breakfast, and Bucky slapped Steve's butt making him jump before they laughed and kissed each other's cheeks, going back to making everyone's breakfast. (Idk what this is that I wrote right here, but happy pride month!)

Harley walked in with Peter wrapped around him earning a coo from Pepper, Scott, Wanda, Nat, and Carol.

Wanda was laying in the living room with Vision while Nat and Clint were playing a card game. Thor was eating poptarts in the corner. Tony was drinking what was probably his third pot of coffee of the morning. Pepper was sitting next to him working on her Stark Pad. Scott was talking with Sam while Carol was messing around with some of her tech with Morgan.

Morgan was changing the colors of her aunt's suit for fun, and all of the sudden Carol's suit lit up with neon colors making Morgan giggle with glee. Steve and Bucky finished making waffles and French toast for everyone and plated it, putting the plates down in front of the heroes.

Harley fed Peter a waffle while eating some French toast himself before they got up, left the kitchen, and went to the elevator to go down to the labs.

~Time skip brought to you by, Tom Holland's cuteness and his birthday was the other day~

When they arrived in the chemistry lab, which was Peter's favorite, Alex and Maya waved over with Alice 'aww'ing at the sight.

"Hey guys, Peter here is really tired so he's going to hang out with me today," Harley said quietly, not wanting to disturb Peter too much. Lucy quickly signed what Harley had said to her girlfriend, Alice, who snorted at the bad pun.

Harley went over to Kadi who needed some help with a chemical formula, and Peter hearing the problem, quickly moved his head up while keeping his eyes closed and said what to do, making everyone around them laugh. He put his head back into Harley's shirt, feeling his boyfriend kiss the top of his curls.

"He's so adorable when he's like that," Kadi mouthed, whispering ever so quietly.

"I know," Harley mouthed back, looking down at his boyfriend with admiration.

"Mm...thanks Harls," Peter whispered into his boyfriend's chest.

~Time skip brought to you by: Parley being my OTP~

"Hey Harls?" Peter asked his boyfriend as they snuggled on their bed during a break.

"What, darling?" Harley asked, raising an eyebrow at his boyfriend who was leaning over him with his face a few inches away from the other's.

"You're the best boyfriend, you know that? Actually, you're the best person in the world." Peter said, staring into Harley's blue eyes.

"Actually, that title goes to you, darling," Harley said, smiling.

"I love you Harley."

"I love you too Peter," Harley said to Peter, kissing him softly.

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The end!

That, my fellow human beans, is pure fluff. I loved it! I was dying of cuteness WHILE writing it myself. I hope you guys like it too!

I have another chapter I wrote last night at like 1 am so I am going to work on it and hopefully post it soon! I was planning on posting it today I just need to reread it again and triple check for grammar.

I just wrote this all in one sitting, starting writing it in the car on the way back from McDonald's, so I was eating chicken nuggets during this. Yum! (Disclaimer: NOT sponsored by McDonald's.)

I just wanted to thank you guys for all of the support! You are awesome!

Remember you are loved!
Love you 3000!

~ Shira

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